Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dress Shopping


I stole the bed in the jet. Me, Theo, and Rowen are all on the jet and I stole the king sized bed in the back.

We're not gonna talk about last night. Vodka wasn't my thing when I drank and it isn't my thing now. "Toni we landed." Theo pounds on the door. I didn't even sleep. I get off the bed and grab my carry on.

We walk off the plane where my parents are waiting to greet us. I have an imprinted scowl on my face while Theo and Rowen greet them with happy smiles. "Why are you so grumpy?" My dad asked while mid hug. "Some jerk got my order wrong last night and gave me straight vodka."

My dad pulls away from the hug and searches my face. "Are you serious?" He questions. "Deadly. Don't worry though I punched him straight in the face." I lift my wrapped hand and wiggle my fingers to show him the proof. "Silas wrapped it for me."

My dad nods along and directs me to the car. "Is Sofia here yet!?" I ask hopefully. I think getting to see her has been the only thing I'm looking forward to. Don't get me wrong I love seeing my family, but being able to relate and actually talk about my mental health with someone is just so reassuring.

"Yeah, she got in yesterday." My mom answers. "Great! I want her to help me-"

"Toni, can you come help me put the stuff in the trunk!" Theo calls for me from the back of the car so I pause on my statement and walk over to the back. When I get there there's no luggage though. "Theo, where-"

"They don't know." He cuts me off. "Who doesn't know what?" I ask suspiciously. He runs his hands through his hair, and looks around like he's gonna change the subject. "Theo. What aren't you telling me?"

"Ididnttellmomanddadthatyouknowaboutthemafia." Theo says it all so fast I can't even understand him. "I don't even know what you just said." He huffs out a big breath of air and then says. "I didn't actually tell them about you knowing about the mafia." His voice is hushed, and a mumble.

"Ok then tell them." I don't understand what the problem is here. He looks around nervous again. "I can't," He says quietly. "Why?"

"Because I will get in a lot of trouble."

"Oh my god, fine then I'll do it." I walk around the car to my parents and make sure I have their attention. "I know that we are the Italian mafia." Then I hop into the car and close my eyes ready to sleep again.

I can already feel a headache starting.


"Oh my god I'm so glad you can go! The gala is so boring when I don't know anyone." Sofia engulfed me in a tight hug the minute I was through the front door, and hasn't really let go.

We are sitting on my bed like we've been for the last hour, just catching up on everything that has happened in my life and hers. Apparently her and her guy back in Venice aren't doing very well.

She said he has been lying to her, and she doesn't know if she should trust him. Then I told her how me and Silas have been on good terms. How we are going to the mafia gala together, which is also when I told her I knew about it.

Inclining her to say how boring it's been, and how she can't even drink there although she usually sneaks some from the bartender with promises of BJ's or sex depending on how hot they are. Her words not mine.

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