Chapter Eightteen

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Home Sweet Home


We're going home today. Rowen and I are going home for Thanksgiving today. Theo never came back, he was only supposed to be gone a week and he never came back. He's responded once to my text since then which read 'I'm ok, don't worry, see ya at Thanksgiving. Ti amo."

I was gonna be home for a week, I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to feel about that, because I was in such a bad place at my house. I've been doing so much better, with only a few slip ups.

I can still remember the sickening darkness that followed behind me there. The black bubble that was suffocating me. It was so bad that I became numb, no one noticed because it was me. I was always like that.

I've felt so much since being here with Silas. I know schizophrenia isn't something that can be cured, but the depression has risen, the air has cleared as much as it can and I really enjoyed it.

"Ready" Rowen asks, and I nod, joining him on the plane. Maddie went back home to her family. I wasn't sure she'd want to, but she said they've been trying to contact her recently.

"Are you ok?" Rowen out of the blue asks me. "Yeah, I'm just worried about Theo." He frowns at me. "Toni.."

"I just- I felt so trapped there, and I've felt so not trapped in New York." He sighs and looks down. "You know mom and dad care about you."

"That's not what it's about." Also the fact that many old friends of mine there have marked me as the 'weird' or 'crazy' one. "Oh my god I haven't seen Sofia in forever!" I change the subject quickly, and Rowen doesn't disagree.

"Do you remember how close we all used to be?" Rowen sighs, and it's true. Before me and Liam got close, like when he was besties with Theo, his younger sister Sofia, Rowen, and I used to be super close, with the fact we were all super close in age.

Her birthday is like weeks before ours, so we always celebrated together. Then for some reason Sophia went off to this school in Venice, which is literally like 14 hours away from where we live in Sicily.

I think she was like 15 when she left. I was in the midst of what I like to call 'the dark ages.' and don't get me wrong, Sofia was always there for me, I just wish she never left, she was like the sister I never had.

Apparently she had some family there that offered her a place to stay, and she, well lets just say, has her own problems, so she took off when she could and has been with them ever since.

I see her on holidays, but it's just not like it used to be. "Yeah, it was sad she had to leave." I sigh. "Wouldn't you have wanted to get away from all the chaos if you could back then." That is true.

"Yeah, I guess"

The plane ride wasn't too bad. Although as we are stepping off I can already feel the jet lag coming. The door to the Black SUV opens and my mom comes running at us with open arms.

My dad starts lugging our suitcases from the plane into the car. I didn't need a lot, only a suitcase and a smaller bag. Same as Rowen. Liam said he was gonna go to Venice and pick his sister up, then fly back home.

"Hey guys, I missed you." I sigh while in my parents arms.

"Listen, there's something we need to talk about." My mom starts, but honestly I'm just so exhausted. "Can we just save it for later. I just wanna sleep in my bed." My dad chuckles in the back as we climb into the car.

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