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2 years later...

A Secret Surprise


My feet are killing me. I'm constantly on them, but for some reason for the last week, they've been swollen, and in so much freaking pain. I sit down and lay them in ice water before my next class starts.

I teach dance, I have been for a year now, and I love it so much. I love the kids like they are my own, and I love being able to give the kids what I couldn't have. Watching them be able to dance, and have fun is all I want.

I teach kids from the ages 5 to 12, then they would have to go to a bigger class if they wanted to continue, but every hour the kid level goes up. I have 9 year olds next. I sigh, and lean my head back on the wall.

"T, T!" I glance up to see Bella running towards me. She's in my classes too. I actually have her next, she just turned 9 a couple months ago. She runs up and jumps into my lap, giving me a big hug.

"Hey, how've you been?" I ask, as my feet throb. "Amazing! Silas said we can all get ice cream after this!" I laugh, because of course he did. Only slight problem is that I haven't been able to stomach sweet's lately. "Oh did he?" She nods vigorously as she climbs off me.

"Go wait out with the rest of the girls, I'll come get you guys in a minute." She slings her small bag over her shoulder and skips out of the room.

My last few classes go by quickly, and I'm so relieved that it's the end of the week. I don't think I can even walk anymore. I mask my pain with a smile as Silas greets us at the door. Bella always stays, and either plays on her tablet or watches me with the older ones until Silas gets here.

"Hey Amada." He leans in, and kisses me softly, like he does every time, then picks Bella up, and asks her about her day. Once my head hits the back of the head rest, I feel the fatgiue hit me.

As Silas, and Bella get in, Bella talks his ear off about school today, but all he can do is look at me. "Hey, you feeling ok?" He reaches over and grabs my hands, intertwining our fingers. "Yeah. Just tired."

I've been seeing a special therapist, like a personal mafia one so I can talk about all that stuff too, and it's so good. Her name is Lora, she says she'd rather people call her by her first name, because it helps them feel more comfortable.

I love her. She helps me express how I'm feeling, and how to know how to stop episodes before they start. If I have anything it's usually small, and not even that big of a deal. "Hey, Bella, why don't we wait for the ice cream tomorrow. I think Toni needs some rest."

My head flings up, and my eyes widen. "No, don't do that. We can get ice cream." Silas shakes his head, and puts the car in reverse, backing out, going down the road that leads to our home.

It's so weird saying that. Our home. I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to it. We just live in an apartment complex, it is huge though. 4 bedrooms, so we each have one, and then a guest room. An amazing living room, and kitchen that has so many windows, it gives a perfect view of the New York sky.

"Bella can wait." I huff, knowing I'm not gonna win on this one.

Once we get home, I make a bee line to our room, where I immediately take off my tight crop top, and leggings, and change into shorts with one of Silas' T-shirts. He walks in right as I'm about to walk out to the kitchen.

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