Chapter Twenty-Two

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Our Special Spot


I am completely and utterly in love with this woman. The sex is just a pluse. I'm now watching her sleep.

Ok that sounds weird, but I already woke up, and she had a ruff day yesterday so I'm just letting her sleep.

But while she's sleeping she's also tangled into me. Her cheeks are red from the heat, and I kinda wanna take the blanket off. I don't want her to overheat, but she looks so calm.

I'm laid on my back with one of her legs over my hip. One hand is up my shirt, and the other one is curled up to her chest. Her face is pressed flush against my chest and I can feel her breathing fanning on my lower neck.

I have one hand wrapped around her, and the other is twirling the ends of her hair.

So, I am watching her. With her lips slightly parted, and her eyes laying lightly shut. I almost want her to wake up just so I can see her icy blue eyes. "Why do you always stare at me while I'm sleeping?" She mumbles as one of her eyes opened. Ah, that eye. 

"I like admiring what's mine." I smirk and watch her cheeks grow a rosy color. "Stop, you're making me blush." She says right as she buries her face into my neck. "Come on, I wanna bring you somewhere."

"I think I'll be good here." She murmurs and huffs out a breath of air, tickling my neck. "Come on, I know you'll like it." Hearing her talk about how much she went through yesterday literally broke me.

She opened up, and here I am like a door shut with a deadbolt. She tried to kill herself. Twice. Once when she was 7, and then 14. She had to mature at a young age, take meds regularly.

But, now I'm going to make her never want to kill herself again. I'm going to show her all the beautiful places my mom used to show me.

She rolls over on top of me with a groan, straddling my stomach. I just watch her with amusement in my eyes. "Can't we just stay in here all day." She groans while laying her head right under my chin.

"So you don't wanna go out with me?"

"Silas..." She whines, and I let out a deep laugh. "What time is it?" She asks. She's not gonna like this one.

"6:30." I murmur, and she shoots up, looking out the window. "The sky isn't even awake yet.'' She frowns down at me. "Yes, that is my plan. I want to show you the sunrise from a certain spot."

"You wanna go watch the sunrise." Tears prickle in her eyes. "Baby, that's what I've been trying to get you to do for the past 5 minutes." I laugh and she swings herself off the bed. "Ok then let's get a move on big guy." She claps her hands and walks over to her dresser.

This woman will be the death of me. She pokes her head out of her closet in a bra and gasps at me. Her closet isn't that big, it's just a small walkway. "You know what I just realized." She asks in a whisper.

So I whisper back a "What," Playing along with her discovery. "It's the first day of december."

"No way"

"Yes way," Her voice travels farther, when she ducks back into her closet.

Man, I love her.

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