Chapter Three

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I got back to my room shortly after he showed me the studio. It was honestly amazing, because I never took classes and I've never really been to a dance studio before. The door was unlocked so I'm assuming Maddie came back.

The first thing I saw when I walked in was her and a dude talking at the counter. My heart started beating rapidly. Why can't I just be alone, or have a room with my brother. I tried to walk to my room but Maddie caught me and dragged me back to the kitchen.

The guy had dark blue eyes and a bun in his hair. The sides of his head were shaved though, so it was just the top. He immediately extended his hand to shake. I was hesitant at first until he said his name.

"I'm Austin." I fought the grin forming on my face and shook his hand back. "You don't happen to know Liam Sherbert do you?" I asked, losing control of my smile. His face grew a light rosy color, the same as Liams yesterday. "Yeah, we actually just went on a date last night." I can now see the smile coming to his face as if he's replaying it in his head.

"I was wondering when I was gonna meet you. I'm Toni." He nodded his head up and down as if realizing something. "You know when I first met him he didn't stop talking about how much he missed you." 

"Good to know I'm a good topic starter." He chuckles at that just as Maddie comes back and puts 2 bottles of wine on the counter. "Red or white?" She asked.

"I don't drink" I say quickly, She hands Austin the white and takes the red. "Great, more for us. Lets move to the couch, my feet are killing me."

"So, Toni, what made you want to come to a school like this?" I shake my head as if she said the stupidest thing ever. "My dad forced me and my brother because our older brother already goes here."

"Who's your brother? The one that already went here." I have to physically restrain an eye roll. I already know how this goes, I tell them, they freak out, and I'm forgotten.

"Um, Theo. Theo Smith." I wince at the name coming out of my mouth. There's eyes widen and they freeze mid sip. I wince again at their faces. "I know, just say what you gotta say."

"Your brother is soooo hot, not that I'd ever sleep with him. He's a total fuck boy." Maddie states.

"I second that." Austin chimes in. "Hey, you and Liam are perfect for eachother. You don't get to speak." I say while pointing my finger at him. He smiles sheepishly and sinks into the couch.

"Anything else special we should know about you?" Maddie asks. I tense up for a second. I know she couldn't know, but the way she said it made it sound like she was waiting for me to burst.

"Nope" I reply simply, and shortly. "I think I'm gonna go to bed" They both furrow their eyebrows and look at their non existent watches. "It's only 9:30," Austin says.

"Gotta get the hours in before school." I ran out of the room before they could say anything else, but I could still hear them. "There's something about that girl, I like her. She seems.." Maddie trails off while talking.

"Broken, different, trapped?" Austin asks. "Yep. There was no life in her eyes, I'm gonna fix her." Maddie says, she sounds so certain. I'm gonna ruin her life by making her try. I can't be fixed and I know it.

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