Chapter Five

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New York City


"Wait, you meet Austin??" I saw Liams happy face turn into a half scowl, half shocked look. "Yeah. He's my roommates best friend, keep up. I think you two are soulmates and you're not allowed to break up or ever leave each other. I expect nieces and nephews."

"We've only been on 1 date." He scoffs.

"And he blushes every time your name is mentioned. You do it too." If you didn't guess it, he just blushed again. "Anyways, what are you doing this afternoon?" Silence grew around his apartment room. "Silas is my partner for a Social Studies project where we have to get to know each other, and he suggested that we get to know each other while he shows me around New York later." I say it like it's the most casual thing ever.

He pauses and quirks his eyebrow up. "Silas Perkins is showing you New York?"

"Yes" Is all I say. "Sounds like a date to me" He shrugs

"I'm not going on a date with Silas. I don't even know if I'd call him a friend, it's just a way to work on the project."

"Look, Silas never talks to anyone. He doesn't even talk to the girl's he fucks. I've only ever seen him talk to your brother. Let me tell you when Silas is intrigued in something he goes for it." He replies

"Yeah while I'm not normal or like other people, so he can try and get me as hard as he wants but I will not give in." He just shrugs again and grabs his bag. "I gotta get to class, feel free to leave whenever." I just stand up and follow after him.

I'd rather not run into another tall scary guy at this school. Even though he said his roommate is nice, I still don't trust another one. I already have enough men in my life.

I glance down at my phone and see an unknown number on my phone.

Unknown: Hey its Silas, I'll be by your room at 4:00. Be ready."

Me: K

It's 3:45 so I speed walk to my room. By the time I get back it's already 3:55.

I heard another ding as soon as I entered my room.

Silas: I'm here

Jesus fuck he walks fast. I slid on my converse and headed back to the door. "Hey" I greeted him with a smile. "Hi, we should probably get going, it's gonna start getting dark soon." I follow him out and lock the door shut.

We make our way down to the parking lot and start walking in the direction I thought his car was in. "Where is it?" I ask, royally confused. He points his finger in the direction of a small motorcycle. He actually thinks I'm gonna get on that?

"Hell nah. I ain't getting in that death trap." He chuckles at my answer and grabs my hand, pulling me to the motorcycle. I hate physical contact with other people. It makes me feel so unprotected.

For some reason I let him hold me hand though. We reach the bike and he hands me a helmet. "Did you hear me? I said no." I state again.

"Listen Amada, it's either this, or walking god knows how long." I groan, slinging my head back and yanking the helmet, that he actually ends up helping me get on. (Sweetheart)

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