Chapter Thirteen

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Greek Myths


Mmm, I'm really comfy. I feel warm and so fucking happy, I feel like I'm floating. I also feel a hot breath fan on my neck, right as I feel his arms tighten around me. I open my eyes, and blink a couple times to let them adjust to the light.

I try to move, but can't. At the same time I look down and see Silas practically on top of me, with his head in the crock of my neck. His hair is covering his eyes and I can't help but move it to see his face.

His legs are in between mine leaving my booted foot on a pillow resting, and his arms are wrapped around my stomach. Wow, this is the closest I've ever been to someone, and liking it. He stirs a little and I see his pretty eyes open. He props his head right in between my breast, and stares up at me.

"Hi" His voice is croaky and sexy as fuck. "Hey" I whisper back. He takes a deep breath and stuffs his face into my neck, while tightening his grip. "Silas, I need to pee" He makes no movement to move.


"Hold it," He groans. I try to wiggle out from underneath him, but it's no use. "Do you want me to pee on you?" I ask, and he finally moves over to lay beside me. I take in a deep breath and rush to the bathroom.

Once I'm done peeing I walk out to see him cuddling one of my pillows like it's me.

You don't deserve him

Way to ruin the mood.

A smile overcomes my face as I see him snuggling my pillow, I can't. I'm so happy right now. I stand in the doorway for a second just admiring his toned back. When did he take his shirt off?

"Are you done staring Amada, because I'd love for you to get your ass back here now." He doesn't even look up from the pillow, just speaks like he has eyes in the back of his head. He's very confident. "Who says I'm staring at you"

He looks up from the pillow at me with hazy eyes and smirks at his observation. My face tints a light shade of pink. Is it hot in here, it feels hot in here. I walk over to the edge of the bed and cross my arms.

"I need to get ready and you need to get out, you weren't supposed to stay the night" I say sarcastically. "Well it was kinda hard to leave with your tiny arms wrapped around me. My face shades darker.

His lips turn up into a smirk again. He knows what effect he has on me, and he likes it. I don't. "Shut up" I mumble, and pick his shirt up from the floor immediately throwing it at his face after. He groans and falls back onto the bed.

"Leave" I declare and he makes a fake snoring sound. I go over to shove him off, but as soon as I'm close enough he pulls me quickly on top of him, and holds me firmly.

A gasp leaves my lips as it happened so fast. "Silas, we shouldn't..." He takes a slow, long breath into my neck, and releases me walking out the door. I lay on the bed for a little longer trying to contemplate what just happened.

I feel like me and Silas just took fifty steps forward when we weren't even on one. I know we said we were gonna keep things casual, but how do you keep the feeling that he gives me casual?

After letting my heart rate fall back to normal, I stand up and walk out of my room. The first thing I see is Maddie sitting on the couch with a smirk on her face.

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