Chapter Twenty-Four

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Italian Mafia


I somehow wish the world would just stop for me, so I could gather my broken life and repair it with glue. It wouldn't take long. Or maybe it would.

It's petty of me to think no one else in this world is experiencing bad things.

Someone's dog just ran away. Someone's child just got kidnapped. Someone just lost their home, or was robbed. I mean there are a million things in this world that could be worse than family troubles.

Still, I think about it. An unloving world for my needs.

I know I need to talk to Theo.

I know we both lied, and we are both in the wrong. I think we're both in the wrong. I'm just more hurt by what he said, then mad for what the reason even was. I don't care that he's dating Maddie, and I don't care that he knows about me and Silas.

I just care that he could say something like that to me.

Heat of the moment I guess.

"You know you're gonna have to talk to him sooner or later."

"I know," I whine back to Maddie. We had a good crying session after I got back from the cliff with Silas last night. Me and Maddie are on the same page now. In fact me and Theo are the only ones left with beef at this point.

My head slings onto the back of the couch with thoughts flying out of my ears.

"He's really sorry...I think you should give him a chance.." Her voice drops to a whisper as if she's scared of setting off a time bomb thats being pumped, and pumped until it needs to burst.

It doesn't. I think I still have some pumps left.

"Yeah I know. I feel like this whole thing is stupid. I don't even remember what we were arguing about in the first place." I groan. "Like if you're gonna pop a pimple just pop it, don't cover it up. It only makes it worse."

"Exactly." She agrees with a confident head shake.

"Exactly...but I still don't want to." She rolls her eyes at my conflicted face. "Just go Toni." Her voice jumps to annoyance within two seconds, and I lift my head to view her freaked face. "What is this doing to you?" I ask, suddenly concerned for her well being.

I mean she is stuck in the middle of it. "Can you two just solve it all ready. I can't take it. I'm hearing your side then his then yours. It's giving me a headache." I have to physically restrain myself from bursting out laughing. I think my eyes start to water.

"Ok I'm going." I declare and walk over to the door before my mind turns my body around. I hear her let out a pleased sigh, as I exit the room.

I stand outside of the door for a few seconds actually coming up with a plan. I don't know what I should be doing right now. I look down at my watch and read that it's noon.


I think Theo's at his dorm. Football ended before Thanksgiving so I think he should just be....chilling?

I make my way over to the guys end of the building and find my way to the A's. I end up right outside of Theo's dorm, and again stop to think. I still don't have a plan. Like at all.

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