Chapter Thirty-Four

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Don't Leave Me


I immediately pick up the phone when it starts ringing. It's been 2 weeks since Toni was kidnapped. I've been staying with the Smith's, and have not heard one thing from my father. We haven't been able to find anything.

Not even a single scrap of information has surfaced. I don't even know if she's still alive. I haven't been able to sleep or eat. Theo made me get into the shower yesterday for the first time. It was quick.

I wasn't gonna miss anything if it came up. It didn't, but now my phone is ringing, and it might be something. "Hello?" There's a sigh from the other end. "Oh my lord thank god. I tried so hard to help Silas, but then he stabbed her and I wrapped it, but it won't stop bleeding, and oh my gosh she won't wake up." Sarah breaths heavily over the phone and talks quickly.

"Sarah slow down, where are you?" I attempt to keep my voice soft, I'm trying to stay calm. She has her. She's helping Toni. "I don't know. We got into Italy a little bit ago, but my tire went flat, and we've been walking since."

"Can you track it?" She asks quickly. Before I can answer the line goes flat. Dammit she must have been using a pay phone. I pull up my laptop, and look through all the phone lines till I find a call made 1 minute ago, and find out the location of it.

It's only 30 minutes out. When I tell you I speed down the road I speed. It takes me about 10 minutes to get there and I'm instantly jumping out of my car, racing to where Toni is. I see Sarah holding down on her stomach as Toni sits there barely hanging on.

I push Sarah out of the way and grip onto Toni's face. She's pale as a ghost making all her bruises so much more defined. Her hair is a nest, and her eyes look lifeless. Her light blue beautiful eyes are so dead it makes me want to cry.

"I need you to drive Sarah. There's a hospital not even 10 minutes away from here." She runs over to my running car while I shake Toni's body violently. Please wake up.

Her eyes flutter open so slowly I don't think it will last, but she keeps them open. "Silas?" She mumbles, and reaches out to grab my cheek, but her arm is instantly recoiling in pain. "Yeah Amada, I'm here."

I pick her up slowly, trying not to cause her any pain, but it doesn't seem to work too well. She whimpers and whines until I get a better grasp on her. She's so cold. Her whole body is ice in mine.

She's shaking hysterically in my hold, and I try my best to keep my tears in. Her head lays on my chest as her left arm falls to her side, and her right stays tucked into my side. "It's gonna be ok, just please stay awake for me." I feel her head nod slowly up and down. 

I sit in the back seat and hold Toni close to me. Her head on my lap, while her body tries to get comfortable. I pull up the hospital for Sarah to drive to, and she is immediately speeding in that direction.

"I missed you." I look down to see silent tears falling from my sweet girl's eyes. From my pretty girl. "I missed you too." I whisper. She smiles softly and shudders in my hold. I lift up her hoodie slowly to reveal the bloody wrap around her stomach. I wrap my hands around it trying to keep as much pressure as I can on it.

She winces and chokes on a cough. I grow more anxious when her body stops moving, and she stops whimpering, and her eyes shut closed. "Toni!" I shake her, but she doesn't budge. Her body acts as dead weight, not moving. "Amada please wake up!"  We pull up outside the ER, and I instantly pull her out of the car. 

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