Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Slight TW near the end

Home Cookout Gone Wrong


"Ok wait, I feel like you're leaving out details here." Me and Sofia are talking in the back corner of our backyard. Mainly so she can secretly drink wine that we secretly stole earlier.

I'm not drinking any, of course, but I think I find Sofia getting gradually drunker by the minute way more entertaining. "Well you know the part where I fell, and he caught me." She starts. "Yes, that's the beginning." I agree.

"Then after he never texted me I declared him a dickwad, and 3 years later he was in my roommate's friend group. We got drunk one night and had sex, then he told me a secret." She puts her finger on her lip and shushes me as if I know the secret.

"I can't tell you though." She admits slowly. "He's trying to win me back right now." She laughs and covers her mouth quickly. "But I already forgave him. I'm just making him do things I want because it's funny." She laughs more until we hear a strict voice behind us.


"What are you two doing?" I freeze while Sofia doesn't even acknowledge her brother standing right behind me. I turn around slowly, and shyly wave at Liam. "Hey, Liam." He shakes his head looking back and forth between us.

"You," He points at me. "Should be sitting, and you," He points at Sofia. "Should not be drinking. Especially a whole glass of wine." Sofia continues to laugh as she takes another gulp out of the bottle.

Liam snatches it out of her hands and wraps his arms around her to help her walk. She starts blabbing about her boyfriend again to Liam, which I just assume he was ignoring her. She didn't technically tell me they were dating, but it seems like she will be getting back with him very soon.

I sigh at the silence, and roll my neck slowly.

You're never gonna get better

Just give up now

No one cares

Ever since me and Silas got here, which was 3 hours ago. I have spent a good 20 minutes talking to everyone. Individually. I'm not gonna lie, it has been so tiring. Obviously I just repeatedly told Silas that I was ok, and to go enjoy himself, which he finally did.

But I've honestly barely sat down, and my legs are getting very tired and numb. I'm also starting to feel a little nauseous. Overall I just wanna go to sleep, and now that I'm alone my head is not helping me.


"Have you eaten anything?" I jump at Silas' close voice and shove a smile on my face. "No, not yet." He sighs, and walks closer to me. His hands wrap around my cheeks gently as she stares into my eyes. "You don't have to pretend to be ok with me. You shouldn't be ok after the long day you've had."

I still keep my smile up and shake my head. "I'm fine, really." His frown deepens as he looks over me. "Your face is pale, your eyes are droopy, and you're shaking." Shit. My smile drops. I open my mouth to speak, but he interrupts me before I can. "Don't you dare say you're fine. it's a load of bullshit, you and I both know that."

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