Chapter Six

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Football Party


Today's the game. I'm really excited to go too, the last time I went to a game was Theo's in highschool. Yeah, a long time ago. I honestly love them, the way it's night, and everything's light up. The way everyone dressed was nice and it's just so peaceful.

Me and Silas only talked for a little bit yesterday, on thursday. Wednesday was the best time I've had in so long. Like thinking back on it, my head was clear. I could think and enjoy myself. My laughter and smiles were real.

Not even before my schizophrenia diagnosis did I feel so free, did I have so much fun. In my whole fucking life, that was the best day ever. He was so nice and it's almost hard to believe that he is mean and cruel.

Like why did Maddie want me to stay away from him? He was so polite and nice. We turned in our project last night. We got to know each other really well surprisingly, and he just sounds normal, he sounds like the type of person I want to be around.

I thought coming to this school would be bad, but it's been so much better than living in Italy and It's only been a week.

I was on my way to my last class today, which in this case is creative writing. They cancel my classes like crazy. I was about to walk into class, had to have been only a couple inches when I felt claw like fingers grib my wrist and pulling me into an abandoned classroom.

"What the fuck?" I yell and shove the girl off of me. She had fake blond hair, it was long and looked like a rat's nest. And yes indeed she had fucking claws. She had makeup literally caked on her face. All it would take is one punch to whip it all off.

"Who do you think you are?" She sneers, with an annoyingly high voice. "Excuse me? You're the one that just pulled me into an empty classroom for no reason." I throw back.

Then the bell goes off, great now I'm late for my class. I groan and go to leave but she steps in front of the door. "You think you can come here and just act like you own the place, and steal my boyfriend?" She growls

Umm to my recollection I haven't been 'stealing' anyone. "Look Ms. Fake blonde, I don't really care for your 'concerns' on my lifestyle, but if you could oh so kindly move out of my way so I can get to class that would be great. Or I can move you myself. Whatever works with me."

I give her a bitchy smile and she just scowls at me, but moves over. Before I leave she talks again though. "You think you can just talk about me like that? Keep up this little miss perfect act and lets see where it gets you. I know everything about everyone here, I know all your secrets. How do you think people would react if they knew how damaged you really were?"

I tense up at her statement a little and I can tell how she gets a kick out of it because she giggles and walks by me, purposefully hitting my shoulder. She can't know though, right? There's no way.

I shake the thought out of my head and rush over to my class before the late bell rings. Thankfully I made it before the bell went off. Maddie was giving me a weird look when I walked it, but I just ignored it and sat next to her.

"Why were you with Sarah?" I furrow my eyebrows "Who?" I question.

"Fake blonde, heels..." Oh, her name is Sarah. What a bitch name. "She said I was stealing her boyfriend and frankly I don't even know who her boyfriend is, nor do I care." Maddie scoffs and sits back in her chair.

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