Chapter Twenty-Five

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Therapy Sucks


"Toni wait-" I spin around at the sound of Silas' voice following behind me.

Theo is hot on his trail. "No!" I say sternly, and point a finger in their direction. "No ok, I need a break from both of you." I begin to walk away when Silas call's out for me again. "Silas, I just found out that my whole life has been a lie, and even though you didn't mean it you were a part of that lie."

"Your family is involved in this whatever it is, mafia stuff.  Theo I need time to process everything about our family but Silas." I let out an irritated breath. "I need a break. Not because of what Theo said about our families. I just need my own time. I mean it's a lot. Ya know."

They're both unmoving so I continue. "You two need time to become all buddy buddy again and Theo. For the love of god just accept that I'm with Silas. I love him. I'm so deeply in love with him and I need your support." I look at Theo.

"I understand this is dangerous and I have an illness, but I want to be treated normally. I know you are trying to protect me, but you can protect me while I'm in love with Silas."

"Now" I collect myself. "I don't want any contact from either of you until you sort out your problem and your friends again because I can not and will not choose between the two of you." They don't mutter a single word, and I don't allow them to.

I'm turning my back and walking away.


I don't want to go to therapy today. I really, really don't wanna go to therapy today. There's too many things going through my brain at the moment, it does not have room for therapy.

But if I don't show up without notifying anyone, then my therapist will notify my parents, and then they will be on my ass. Yeah, no thanks. Plus it's only my second appointment.

I really have no energy to move though. Yesterday's information was just too much. Like my family kills. How do I wrap my head around the fact that my family are literal murders and get away with it.

Do I have to kill?

Will I have to kill?

The thought alone sends a cold front down the spine of my back.

Maddie's not here. I'm not really sure where she is, but she left early this morning. Something about studying then swinging by Theo's dorm.

I told her that she doesn't need to stop seeing him because of me. That's just ridiculous.

I've been laying in bed all day. It's 5:15 and it starts at 5:30. I could always just say I'm sick.

Yeah, but then my parents will probably send someone to come check up on me. So I open my phone and scroll to the contact for the man who holds my face.

Me: Hey, I have a therapist appointment in 15 minutes and I was wondering if you could drive me? It's only like a 10 minute drive.

Two minutes later there's a reply.

Rowen: Sure, on my way now.

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