Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Theo said that?" Maddie askes with so much shock etched onto her face. Silas drove me home about 2 hours ago, and right as I got home Maddie was unpacking, so I filled her in on my Thanksgiving.

"Yep." I sigh and finish the last of my water. Right now would be a good time to drink wine. "Why would he ever say that?" She whispers, and looks down at her feet.

"I don't know. I guess out of rage." I shrug, and I swear I see tears in her eyes. "He called you a slut. And crazy. How could a brother do something so cruel?" I shrug again. Why is she going so in depth with this?

"You seem really interested in how my brother acts." I laugh. "Don't you know him as the cocky football caption?" She lets out a small laugh, and scratches the back of her head. "Of course, I just never thought he would be rude to his blood."

"Oh my god, wait! You said I love you to Silas!" She squeals and jumps up and down like a little girl.

Oh I also told her that.


"And he said it back!" She yelps when I nod again, and I wince at the volume she's creating.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I sigh. "Oh wait, how has it been with you and your mystery boy?" I wiggle my eyebrows and a small blush rises in her cheeks.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that-" her words get cut off by a knock at the front door. I open it, seeing Austin standing on the other side.

He gives me a quick hug and a kiss to my cheek before walking in with Liam on his trail. "I'm confused, why are you guys here?" I asked as they made themselves comfortable.

"Get ready, we're all meeting up for a small gathering at my place in 30 minutes." Liam announces.

"Is Theo gonna be there?" I question, with my voice small. "Yes, and so is Silas. We are gonna work this thing out between you two." I opened my mouth to argue, but he held his hand up to shut me up.

"I know what happened at your house, but I don't like this tension and I definitely don't wanna have to choose between my two besties so chop chop women. Oh you too Maddie, we need you there too."

Liam disappears into my room, and the next thing I see is clothes flying out of my room. "Hey! I can dress myself!" I jump off the couch and speed walk over to my room.

I just put everything away too.

"You're wearing this." He throws a pair of baggy jeans and a crop top at me. "Whatever." I mumble as he walks out. I quickly change and throw a hoodie on top of my crop top.

When I walk out I see Maddie tying one shoe and Austin sticking the other one on. She swats at his hand saying, "I'm doing it! Would you quit that!"

Where the fuck did Liam go?

"Why are you guys in such a hurry?" I ask, while grabbing an apple and taking a bite. "It's literally-" I look at the time on the oven and finish with "10:30," Austin smirks, but only shrugs.

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