Chapter Fifteen

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Lucky Lady


"I'm not going to tell you again, fuck off." I make sure to drop my voice so I sound more serious and intimidating, something I've learned how to do quite well might I add.

"Darling, is this because that bitch Toni, because she's just-" I grab her wrist from waving in the air and push her against the wall. "Say one more thing about her and see where it gets you. I dare you." I growl and she visibly gulps.

I let her go when she doesn't say anything and watch her scurry away. I slam the door and head back to the couch. "Why was Sarah here?" Theo asks as I take a seat.

"I don't fucking know." I'm still pissed. Picture this ok, your sitting on the couch after an extremely amazing date with the only girl you care about, and then you get a knock on the door followed by an extremely rude and ugly bitch telling you to sleep with them because they can "give you a good time"

Then she proceeded to say how ugly and stupid Toni was and that's when I lost it. I've never hurt a girl unless it was for the job, but fucking hell, I was about to put her on my hit list.

Yes I've used a lot of girls before for my pleasure, but with Sarah she knew I wasn't doing relationships and just having a good time, so I could always go back to her.

She would never push me into a relationship. Although I haven't slept with someone since I met Toni and I am very horny, but if I'm gonna sleep with someone it's gonna be her.

So I'll wait as long as it takes. The point is I already told Sarah I was done sleeping with her to her face the moment I felt something for Toni, so the fact that she is still showing up at my door asking for sex is pissing me off.

"Somebody finally tied down the big beast?" He jokes which does lighten the mood slightly. This is why I love Theo, he always has some sorta joke to clear the foggy mood.

I just roll my eyes and think of Toni. Has she tied me down? "Oh shit someone finally tamed the devil, who's the lucky girl?" Your sister. "Shut up." I mumble and click play on dead pool.

He takes the remote and clicks pause on it while turning his whole body. "Who is it Silas, you're gonna have to tell me sooner or later."

"Why don't you tell me who the lucky girl that you've been sneaking out to see is?" I counteract and his cheeks flush a little. "Did someone finally tie the school's player down?" I mock just like he did. "I got nothing to hide man. I've been seeing Maddie." He answers smoothly although his cheeks are still flustered.

"No shit Maddie Sawyer?" He bobs his head up and down while starting to smile. "I was really annoyed at her because she was the only girl that wouldn't sleep with me, then at Rowen and Toni's birthday I got super drunk and found her alone and drunk and we literally just talked. The whole night until like 4am when she was practically falling asleep we talked about random shit."

"Damn I'm impressed. Does Toni know?" He shakes his head side to side. "I don't know how she will react so I just want to keep it on the down low in case it's a blow out and nothing gets serious. Maddie agreed." Ok so literally exactly what i'm doing. That makes me feel a little better.

"Now tell me who's got your balls blue" he inches closer to me and I shove him off. "It's a secret." I answer and he groans. "A secret my ass, just tell me." He whines. "No cando, lady's orders." This perks his ears up.

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