Chapter Nine

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"Toni! We're gonna be late." Maddie screamed into my room. We wouldn't be if I could just find my freaking shirt. Laying in the corner of my room, I see the stupid small shirt they gave me.

I started to slide it on when I heard a rip. You've got to be shitting me. "Fucking hell!" I turn around in the mirror and see a huge tear illuminating my bare back. This was my last clean one.

"Maddie just go without me, I have to figure something out" I grumble, she doesn't even respond. I just hear the door open and yank shut. I slide on some shorts and a button down that I've had for a while and head for my laundry.

Grabbing a new shirt and skirt, I make my way out to the public laundry room. Glancing at the clock it's only half past 9, not bad, just means I'll miss my first period, and second. I miswell just skip today at this rate.

There's hardly anyone in here, just a couple smaller people and me. I head to the laundry machine in the back and throw my outfit in it. Sitting on the bench next to it I start to bounce my leg up and down.

Then my mind wanders off to other things. I wonder if whatever reason we got sent here is still bad. I mean I don't get what could've happened. Where just a rich ordinary family right? Remind me to ask Theo again today.


I ended up heading over to Anna's place while my clothes cleaned. I'm not sure what it's called but that's what I'm calling it. I did indeed finish the flowers and it looks gorgeous. I put plants around the room and a couple paintings I've made in the past.

I don't really have a passion for painting, it just comes to me sometimes ya know?

"Anna have you ever been in love?" I blurt, I've never for sure and I know my parents have a cool story. They met in highschool and then grew close to each other in the span of a year. There so fucking dry though, like their hiding something, they never say any of the details.

Like how one of my mom's friends died when they were younger but she won't say how. Not really my business to pry or anything but I swear like they're constantly beating around the bushes.

Also the only reason the subject got brought up was because they named my middle name after her. Morgan. It's really a pretty name. She seems like a good person. I really do wonder what happened to her.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not even a part of the family. On multiple occasions I've walked into a room and they, as in Theo, Rowen, Mom, and Dad, all lower their voices or watch till I leave to talk again.

"I would like to think so, that's a story for another time though." She replies. Right now we are stalking a small bookshelf she put in the corner. "What does it feel like?" She pauses for a minute and looks over at me.

"Does this have anything to do with the boy you've been hanging out with?" Oh no, she's onto me. I mean, on to who?

"I know a lot of guys, you're gonna have to be more specific." I played it off. She sighs and continues with the books. "If I was in a shitty mode, he was the only person I'd wanna see" She, I'm assuming, summarizes it.

Well that ended that.

Hours later I find myself in the dance room, here I'll explain.

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