Chapter Ten

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I'm not allowed to dance.

I'm fucking not allowed.

Like, why can't I just hop around or something. Dancing is my coping mechanism, sorry was my coping mechanism.

Wobbling to my next class I eternally curse myself out a million times. Why the heck did this have to happen to me? I don't really remember the day when I got the boot, just talking to my parents and pencils. Yeah literally just pencils.

"Hey babes how's it going" Liam swings his arm over me to which I shove him off.

"Fuck off" He gasps and scoffs at the same time. "Bad day?" He questions. "What does it look like?" I'm not meaning to be so mean, but my mind is really crazy right now. "Liam this boot is heavy as fuck, and my feet are sore, and my head hurts, and all I want to do is dance which is the one thing I can't do" I whine.

"I really wish I could help, but I need to get to class" He scurrys away and I'm left to enter my last class.


I'm gracefully sitting on our couch. I'm watching Wizard of Oz just because my family used to watch it all the time and it became what I guess you could call my comfort movie? I don't know, but I really enjoy it so who cares.

Then there's a knock on the door. I've got three knocks by now to which I'm hoping the person will just go away. Sadly I'm wrong when another knock echoes the room. Groaning, I stand up and limp over to the door.

A weird part of me is hoping it's Silas, don't ask me why. I haven't seen him in a while actually. My lips turn upward when I see the same blonde head of hair and red flaming eyes. "Why are you here?" Why is he here?

"I heard you were having a bad day and I thought of something that would cheer you up." He walks in without an invitation. He pauses when he sees the yellow brick road on the screen and frowns.

"What?" I grumble. "Theo watches this when he's in a mood" Oh well that's embarrassing. "Put some shoes on- I mean a shoe- just come on I wanna try something" He stammers, he's cute when he's nervous.

Cute? No no he's not cute.

I groan again when he drags me into Anna's place and to the dance studio. "Silas, I can't dance, why are you doing this to me?" He doesn't respond, just pulls out my phone and clicks on my 'dancing' playlist.

I gasp when he grabs onto my hips "Sila-" He cuts me off when he picks me up and twirls us around. I let out a little giggle as he does a quick dip leaving his hand under my hurt leg so it doesn't hit the floor.

He sets me on his feet and hugs me while he basically runs around the room. After a little bit we end up slow dancing around the room except I'm on his feet while he moves us around the room.

A smile hasn't left my lips since we got here. I can't believe he did this for me. He danced for me. What the actual fuck is happening. "How do you know what you're doing?" I ask

"I have a little sister who's obsessed with dancing" For the life of me I can't imagine a girl Silas. "What's her name?" my brain speaks. "Issabella, but I call her bella."

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