Chapter Forty

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Little time skip. Just 2 months so we are in April now!

Happy Birthday


"I don't know what I'm doing! I don't bake Sofia!" I growl and drag a rag to wipe off my flour infested face. As you can see, Silas deprivation is really taking a toll on me. I can hear Sofia snickering at me in the background, so I throw the rag at her.

"Hey Sof!" Her whole face lights up when she hears Flavio's voice call from the other room. "I don't like this!" Her smile falls, as she runs into the room Flavio and Bella are in. I'm not far after.

It's Silas' birthday today. April 3rd, so I decided to make him a cake, and throw him a surprise party. So in order for that to work I made him breakfast this morning, and then watched as my dad, and all the guys I know dragged him off to somewhere I could care less about.

We are back at my childhood home for spring break this year. All of us. Apparently Sofia really wanted us to meet her boyfriend. Yep, it's finally official. So he was on Bella duty, since both Silas' parents have been MIA lately.

While I was trying to make the cake, which is something I can not do for the life of me. I send a prayer to god that Bella will still be breathing and unscalved when we walk into this room. Flavio can be...rough sometimes.

And completely blocked off with a permanent scowl on his face unless he's looking or interacting is Sofia. It's pretty phenomenal actually to see the way his mood can change so damn quick.

I finally breathe when I see that no one is harmed in the living room. Well, I think Flavio may have mental trauma from a 7 year old now. I cover the back of my hand to my mouth to cover my laughter, as opposed to Sofia who hoots and hollers as many insults at Flav as she can.

"Babe–Alessio. What the hell?" Is all she can get out before she's dying of laughter again. And when I say dying I mean quit literally. I watch as Issabella uses Flavio as a jungle gym until she is situated on top of his shoulders where she proceeds to put tiny braids in her hair.

Cutos to me for teaching her how to braid last night. I have to slap both hands over my face to keep from joining Sof in her laughter fit at how adorable and hilarious this sight is. You look at Bella, who looks happy and content as she clips little pink bows on his braids, then you look at Favio also know as Alessio, but Sof is the only one allowed to call him that, and you see the funniest thing ever.

He's got rosy cheeks from blush I'm assuming. Smeared lipstick over his mouth area, not exactly touching his lips, and then so much sparkle and black lines it almost looks like a gangster sign. But by the placement of the black lines, that are someone connected to his eyes, you can tell that it's eyeliner.

"Nice, makeup?" I comment, causing him to shoot a deadly glare at me, which by how many I've gotten in the last few days, and I'm still alive, it doesn't phase me anymore. "You look so cuteeee." Sof draws from beside me causing me to finally have to leave the room, because I cannot contain my giggles, and he might actually murder me if I'm caught laughing at him.

I walk back to the kitchen, after getting my laughter under control, and stare at the mess in the room. The smell of the sweetness is making me a bit queasy. Instead of touching the cake, or going anywhere near it for that matter, I begin to clean up the mess that we have made.

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