Bonus Chapter 1

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"Hold it, we're almost there!" I'm already speeding as it is, and I shouldn't be because there's a pregnant woman sitting right beside me. "I don't think you understand that this baby is pushing on my bladder." She's scary.

Like, who would've thought she would start getting aggravated with me every two seconds. I only have 2 hands, and two legs. I can't do everything, and the one time I tried to tell her that. She threatened to leave.

We're driving to her parents house for Christmas, and she's in a sexy sweater dress with boots. I love it. Plus her belly looks great in it. She's 7 months along, and the babys due around early February, so you can imagine how big she is.

We're trying to get in as much sex as we can before the babys born, because aparentaly she can't have sex for 2 months after giving birth. "Silasss." She whines, and lays both her hands on her belly.

I pull up to her childhood home, and instantly accompany her at her door to help her out. We make it into the house in record time, and the first thing we see is people looking over at us. We gotta go before we get bombarded.

We haven't seen anyone since she got pregnant, we told everyone, but we never had time to plan anything to see everyone. Her parents demanded her here for Christmas because they wanted to see her before the baby came out.

I push through everyone, and guide her to the bathroom where she slams the door in my face. I just shake my head, and start walking off. She can pee in private.

She's been on maternity leave, but at the same time nothing, because she sold Anna's place, and is trying to think of things she wants to do.

Actually she was talking about getting into some of the mafia stuff, but I'm not sure how much of that was bogus, and how much she actually meant. I walk into the kitchen, and see the ham set up at the table.

"Sorry, we were late. We had some...complications getting here." As in, Toni having to use the bathroom every two seconds. It's ok though, I love her and she's carrying my child. "You're fine, where is she?" I stifle a laugh. "Bathroom." Her mom laughs and carries on stirring something.

At the same moment Toni walks in the room and leans into my side. "All better?" I ask, she nods her head and gives me a thumbs up. "Oh my gosh, it's so big! Gray, get in here!" Lily instantly hugs Toni from the side, because she can't straight on.

"I love it! How's she doing?" She as in our baby. Yep, it's a girl. Her mom puts her hands on her belly and feels around. "Lily, what–" Her dad stops mid movement, and instantly zones in on Toni's stomach.

"Holy watermelon. No, that's bigger than a watermelon. How far along are you again?" She leans her head back with laughter. "7 months. We're due in February." She makes a face, and I instantly know that face.

It's the, 'oh my baby just kicked me' face. "Here, feel right here." She trails her mom's hand down, and reaches out for her dads. They both stare intently at her stomach, and then burst out laughing when they feel the kick.

"Have you guys thought about names?" Her mom askes. T looks back at me for a split second, and then down at her stomach. "We were thinking about Luna." She tells them slowly, I don't know why she's been worried about sharing our baby names with her parents.

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