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  I watch the TV from my spot in the kitchen, hearing all about a great save from Batman and Robin in Gotham tonight.

  Little do they know that Batman is not in Gotham right now and that it would be Nightwing in Batman's suit.

  I smile as a blurry picture comes up of the two. Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne. Two pains in my ass, but also two people I care about so much I probably would do anything to keep them safe.

  I have a lot of people in my life that I can say that for now. A few years ago? I wouldn't have had anyone but Selina, Harley, and Ivy, and the latter two didn't even know everything that had happened.

  But now I do. I have people to care about and people who care about me.

  A meow sounds next to me where I am leaning on the counter and I smile as green eyes stare at me. Biscuit touches his nose to mine as if he could read my thoughts.

  I scratch under his chin, and he starts to purr before we both stop and look to the door, hearing footsteps and keys juggling.

  In a few moments, the door is unlocked and Biscuit jumps down with a small sound before he runs to the door just as it opens.

  He weaves through the legs of the dark haired acrobat, who laughs when he sees the cat, still not seeing me.

  Biscuit circles around him, making him almost trip as he walks in a circle before Biscuit runs back to me, and Dick finally looks at me.

  He drops his bag in surprise, a giant grin making its way on his face, and I'm sure mine resembles it as he jumps clean over the counter and tackles me in a hug.

  I laugh at his antics as he presses a few light kisses over my face, his smile not leaving his.

  "Did you miss me?" I tease when he finally pulls back, his thumb stroking my cheek lightly.

  "Not at all," He replies easily, though his eyes flicker to my mouth when he says it.

  "I thought so. You seem to enjoy it being just you and Biscuit."

  His eyes snap to mine at that and he lets me go as he rubs the back of his neck, "You saw that?"

"I saw that."

  He looks to Biscuit, who is sitting on the counter next to us, "You are making me seem uncool. I thought we had a deal."

  "You don't need him make you seem uncool, you manage just fine on your own," I quip, causing him to frown before he smirks and grabs my waist.

  My eyes widen at the expression before he picks me up and puts me on the counter, his arms wrapped firmly around me, his face teasingly close to mine.

  My hands rest on his chest as he mutters, "So I'm uncool?"

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, "If the shoe fits. You did say you had a deal with a cat."

  As if on cue, Biscuit jumps off the counter and leaves us, probably slipping out the window I propped for him when I got back.

Dick scoffs at this, "Traitor."

  "What was the deal?" I ask, lightly twirling some of his hair in my fingers.

  "If he pretended to love me and make me seem amazing in front of you, I would bring him treats." Dick admits almost sheepishly.

  "He does love you," I say before adding, "He just loves me more."

  He barely waits for me to respond before he pulls me closer and connects our lips, his arms wrapping tightly around my back, mine pulling him closer as I tighten them around his neck.

  He pulls away too soon and whispers, "That makes two of us."

  I smile a kiss him again before I say, "So me coming home early from a mission was a good surprise?"

  He kisses me in answer to the question, and my thoughts freeze, my stomach turning as he brings a hand up to tilt my chin up before resting along my jaw.

  "Dinner is ready too, I'm fun of surprises today," I get out breathlessly when we pull away. He glanced nervously to the oven before I add, "Hey! I'm getting better!" I push him lightly in the shoulder, but he moves back to his spot close to me with a smile on his face.

  "I didn't say anything!" He defends, but he is smiling teasingly at me.

  "You didn't have to," I retort before I add, "And you don't have to be worried, I didn't make it, Alfred did."

  "That changes everything," He says immediately, and unwraps his arms from around me, moving to look in the oven.

I frown at this, "I thought you missed me."

  "I do, I just miss Alfred's cooking more." He says, smelling the food, repeating my words from earlier back to me, "Yes, lasagna!"

I cross my arms over my chest as he looks back to me.

  He moves back, and my face softens as he looks at me, his eyes scanning my body for any injuries, like they always do when we don't go on missions together. Mine do too, taking in his normal clothes, taking in how he looks and holds himself.

He is okay, and I'm okay.

  I pull him closer by his arm before I wrap my arms around his neck, his wrapping around my waist in a hug.

  He moves a hand to hold my head to his as I tuck my head into his neck, and he does the same, us breathing the other in.

  "I love you," He whispers in my ear, causing me to hold on tighter.

"I love you too."


yay!! so excited to start this book! keep reading, I promise it is going to be good!


what do you love most about their relationship?
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xoxo, author

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