«chapter fourteen: thanksgiving»

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I should have known when Damian asked me to come over today to pick something up, that wasn't really the end of the story.

Which is how I am now sitting across from Dick Grayson as if I am supposed to ask him to pass the gravy without it being awkward.

It's thanksgiving and I haven't talked to him since the 6th of November, which means it's been roughly two weeks since we have seen or spoken to each other.

And now we are staring at each other uncomfortably across the table. When I can't take it anymore, my eyes look away from his and down to the floor.

"I really think I should be going," I say standing up, him watching my movement.

"None sense," Alfred says, narrowing his eyes at me, as he walks in with more food. "I refuse. Miss Kyle is not in town, and I will not turn someone away on thanksgiving."

"You aren't turning me away, I-"

"Miss Brooklyn, you are staying. That is final," He cuts me off, his tone telling me not to argue with him anymore as he walks back out of the room.

I shut my mouth and plop back down in my spot, Damian smirking from his spot next to Dick.

I think this is some sort of what for Damian to get back at me for leaving. He is punishing me and might I say he looks like he is thoroughly enjoying this.

"Sorry I'm-" Bruce cuts off his sentence as he walks in and sees me, slowing his pace.

"Brooklyn..." He nods in greeting, looking to Dick briefly.

"Bruce," I say with a nod, "Alfred told me I had to stay." I supply as the only explaination for my I am here right now.

It was supposed to me a drop in and get whatever it was Damian wanted me to take and then leave and go back to enjoy thanksgiving with people that wanted me there.

"Oh, then you should," Bruce says and takes a seat at the head of the table.

I turn my attention back to Damian who is looking pretty smug right now.

I narrow my eyes at him as he takes a bite of turkey.

"This is delicious, Pennyworth." He says, his smirk never leaving.

"من الأفضل أن تجري بعد انتهاء العشاء."
I smile, pretending and saying something nice when I really tell him he better be ready to run when this dinner is over.

"بقدر ما أشعر بالقلق ، أنت الوحيد الذي يهرب من مشاكلهم."
He smirks, raising a glass for me to clink.
(As far as I am concerned, you are the only one who runs away from their problems.)

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