«chapter thirteen: the team»

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  "And you need my help because?" I question, my arms crossed over my chest as M'gann glances to Kaldur for help. "I told you I'm not rejoining the team."

  "And I don't expect you too," M'gann reassures me.

  They called me into the Batcave for a small meeting, which was supposed to be just them and I.

  Nightwing, Batman, and Oracle all decided to join in as well to my annoyance.

  Miss Martian is asking me to join in on the team for a mission to Russia.

It all seems a bit like an ambush.

  "Artemis is more than capable of doing a recon," I point out, "I don't see what I would add."

  While Artemis and I weren't trained the same, I know we both have a very good background in stealth.

  "Artemis is leading Gamma," Miss Martian fills in, slight concern on her face, "Gamma with Forager, Brion, Tara, and Halo."

  I bite back a snarky comment about how Nightwing was supposed to train them and if they weren't ready, it would be his fault. I bite it back because I know I'm just pissed he has been avoiding me ever since I saved them on Santa Prisca.

  "All of which have very limited recon experience," Oracle cuts in, causing me to look at her, Nightwing and Batman next to the computer. "Whereas you-"

  "Have too much?" I deadpan, causing them to fall silent, sensing they are coming up on a touchy subject.

  "You also know Russian," Batman says after a moment.

  "No, I don't," I answer. He narrows his eyes at me, causing me to roll my eyes, "It's creepy you know that, Bats."

  "We have a polar stealth suit for you," He says, ignoring the comment.

  "So you knew I would say yes?" I raise an eyebrow at him.

  "This is you saying yes?" Nightwing questions, speaking for the first time since I walked in the room, his voice full of pure annoyance.

  I look back to M'gann, ignoring Nightwing's words the way he has been ignoring me as I say, "Of course, I will help," I tell her, and she smiles at me gratefully. "I promised you that I would help anytime I can, and I meant it." I just can't join the team.

  I don't know how long I am going to be able to dance on this tightrope I've been walking on for the last year. I don't know home much strain it will take for the rope to snap and for my life to fall apart.

  But I know I'm not going to take anyone down with me.

  "Do you have experience in snow?" Aquaman questions as Batman hands me my suit.

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