«chapter six: shadows»

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  After Artemis's comment, Dick and I didn't look at each other. Having our relationship exposed that much to his new team and mine was not how I wanted this to go.

   Well, if it went the way I wanted it to, none of this would have happened.

  I am still unbelievably pissed at him for even thinking about going to fight the League of Shadows without backup.

  I clench my jaw at the thought before I get up and walk to the medbay, not making contact with anyone as I go.

  "I've got it," Artemis says to someone trying to follow me. "You aren't going to make the situation better."

  I sigh as she walks in and looks to the door, the Bio-ship creating a wall so they can't hear us.

  "I don't-" She cuts me off by pulling me
into a hug.

  "Don't you ever do that again." She says, and I'm takenaback by the rawness in her voice, her hands slightly shaky.

  I hug her back for a few moments before we both pull away.

  "I'm fine. It's you guys that were almost turned into shish kabobs." I point out as she wipes her eyes a bit.

  "I mean you leaving and having it be radio silent. We thought you were dead, and Dick wouldn't talk about it which made it worse." She crosses her arms and scolds me. "You better have a good reason."

  "It is to me," I defend before I say, "And you should know better than to think I am dead and I didn't take down a big-bad with me."

  She shakes her head at me, "You are unbelievable." Her eyes flash as she reminds herself of her previous comment about Nightwing and i. "So... Lily-"


  "Cat, she looks a lot like you." Artemis frowns, "You and Dick."

  So I wasn't the only one imagining it. That's comforting.

  "She is six, I've only been- I only was with Dick for a year. If she were mine she wouldn't be six." She would be around one assuming I left pregnant.

  She frowns, even more, her voice lowering, "Cat, there is a different way for things like that to happen in our world. Point A is a guy named Conner on the other side of this door." I look down at the floor at that. "Ra's a Ghul wanted you on the Light's side. And you were in that hospital room... Is it possible they got your DNA and somehow got Dick's?"

  "Is it possible? Yes." I admit before I look up at her, "But did it happen? No." I uncross my arms, "I found her at a meta-lab. She looks like me, maybe even like Dick, but she isn't ours."

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