«chapter two: run-ins and rescues»

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"I can't believe this!" Superboy exclaims, grabbing our attention as he holds up an apple core, "They've only been living in here five minutes and it's already a mess!"

M'gann doesn't respond as she looks to me worriedly. She more than any of the others knows how much Ra's al Ghul damaged Brooklyn.

She had to help to put her mind back together. There were nights Brooke couldn't even sleep back then. When all she would do is toss and turn until I would hug her too me to stop. Even then I could tell it was hard for her to trust that when she closed her eyes everything would still be the same when she woke up the next day.

"You're sure they went to Infinity Island?"M'gann questions, snapping me out of my thoughts. I sense she really doesn't want to go either, but now we don't have a choice. I can't leave the kids.

"The one place we very specifically told them not to go? Yup." I glare, crossing my arms.

"Well..." M'gann says with a hint of teasing in her voice, "what goes around comes around."

I turn to look at her with narrowed eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Conner looks at me with a raised eyebrow, "Uh, Cadmus ring any bells?"

I frown and close my eyes, leaning back in my chair, putting my arms up behind my head, "Oh, man... I hate being the grown-up." I sigh.

"What are we going to do when we get there?" Artemis asks, her voice much more serious, causing me to sit up straight.

Jefferson looks between us, and finally asks, "I'm sorry, I can tell it's a touchy subject, but did Ra's al Ghul... did he kill-"

"No, gosh, no," M'gann cuts him off as if she couldn't even bare the idea that he killed Brooklyn. She probably couldn't. I don't think any of us could.

"She beat him," Conner explains, "She out smarted him, and struck a deal." He steals a glance to me, but I look away, not wanting to think much about it. Not wanting to think about her.

"So what's the problem?" Jefferson says looking between all of us for an answer.

Artemis sighs, looking at me with frustration as she says, "The problem is, if we go and Ra's al Ghul knows we are there, we are breaking her deal."

"Which means we aren't getting caught." I finally speak, my chest tightening at what she is implying. It's what I knew would happen if we did and I almost want to say no, and never go back to that place, but if I do, it means leaving Ra's al Ghul more people to hurt. And I can't do that.

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