«chapter twenty: getting under someone's skin»

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  I make sure the coast is clear before I sit up in my bed. I pause as pain takes over before I sigh as get up.

  I am not goin to be confined to that bed when everyone is getting ready to go save Violet.

  She was on my team. I am partly responsible for her even being in this mess.

  Some leader I am. I don't think I can even blame Brooklyn for leaving. Why would she trust me to keep her safe when I have the worst track record?

  Jason, Wally, and now Violet. I'm not a leader. I'm a failure.

  I shake my head, trying to wish the fever away. It's making my judgment a little poor. And it also is making me more out of control of my emotions than normal.

  Those thoughts are probably prompted from the other day. When Brooklyn told the others that she didn't even know if she was going to stay here now that Batman Inc is exposed. After we find Violet, will a thing keep her here?

  "We all wish that," I hear Artemis say as I walk closer to the main room, "But on the point Gretchen just jabbed us with, you know the Team already conducted covert raids on all Goode holdings to find Violet," She sighs, "And no luck."

  "Since neither Sphere, Motherbox, nor Victor can sense her, she is likely off-world by now," Kaldur adds, crossing his arms over his chest.

  I clear my throat, wiping the sweat off my forehead as I say, "We'll find her."

  "Uh," Artemis puts her hands on her hips, looking at me in surprise, "I thought you were confined to bed, Mr. Low-Grade Fever."

  "You can't keep a boy wonder down," I shrug cockily before my smirk falls and I say, "Uh, and please don't mention any fever to Barbara, okay? It took forever to convince her I was over my Ghost Dimension sickness," I explain before I mutter, "Brooke too. They have
both been at my bedside for two days," I take in a breath, "I finally persuaded Barbara to go home... I think Brooke is getting a few things before she comes back." I sigh in frustration, "Trying to convince her is like trying to convince a door it's a window. So please, don't say anything to her or she will come back."

  "Hmm," Kaldur hums, making me turn to him. "She figured you would pull something. She wouldn't leave until after I promised to watch over you."

  I sigh at that, "Figures." She is being such a pain right now.

  "That sounds more like our girl," Artemis laughs, making me glare at her.

  It's all fun and games until your family decides to spend the whole day asking about her in your hospital room, I think bitterly but keep it to myself as I rub my face, trying to relieve my headache.

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