«chapter one: a new team»

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(one year later)

  "You are kidding me," I sigh as Barbara plays back the tape of Black Spider and one of his hits being crushed by a huge boulder.

  She called me and told me to come over as soon as I had a chance. That I would want to see the video for myself. I wish I hadn't seen it at all. I wish it didn't exist.

  "Afraid not," She sighs as she looks to me, "You know what this means, right?"

  I clench my jaw as I stare at the screen, "It means the League of Shadows are involved. That's it."

  She studies my face for a few more moments but doesn't say anything else.

  But we both knew that if it involved the League of Shadows, then it involved Ra's al Ghul.

  And if it involved Ra's al Ghul, it may involve Brooklyn.

And that was something I didn't want.


  "-Tara would have a similar power set." Dr. Jace explains over the phone as I walk up to the group.

  She has sort of taken a motherly role to Halo and Brion despite Brion not wanting her to most of the time. I don't blame the guy considering she did turn him and his sister into metahumans.

  "That's what we were thinkin', too," I say putting a hand on my hip, my words causing everyone to turn their attention to me.

"We?" Jeff asks raising an eyebrow at me.

  I keep forgetting we aren't all aware of the situation with Batman and Oracle.

  "Uh... Me," I cover lamely, but continue on as I bring up the video that Barbara got, " A man named Jaqqar Marlo was killed this morning by a meta-human who dropped a massive rock on his head..." I let them see the video before I switch to show a picture of Black Spider, "Black Spider, an assassin from the League of Shadows, was also spotted in the area." I pause as Artemis, M'gann and Conner tense, sharing a look when I say 'League of Shadows,' I avoid their looks as I focus on the others, "Boulder-dropping... isn't his style. So the possibility does exist that your sister is now with the Shadows."

  "No." Brion shakes his head in disbelief as if being with the Shadows is the worst place she possibly could be.

For different reasons, I believe that too.

  "Princess Tara would never kill!" Dr. Jace exclaims, ready to defend her. "They must be using a control device upon her."

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