«chapter twenty-five: starting over»

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(two months later)

My hand tightens around Lily's as I crouch down to her height. "You finally get to go home," I say, forcing a smile at her.

The truth is, I didn't want her to leave. I still don't. But when her parents came back and contacted us, and I heard their desperate voices, I knew I couldn't keep her. I even managed to get two months with her after the first contacted because I was worried about her powers. But I couldn't keep her any longer. This wasn't like how Selina took me in. She still has her own family to go back to. And I have to let her.

Her eyes stare back at me, holding a certain sadness, like she could see right through my smile. She probably can. We spent months together.

When she has nightmares, I wake up to hug her and promise her everything is okay. After I started having more nightmares, she would do the same, waking up and hugging me as I got myself together, stroking her hair as she smiles up at me.

She has been my shadow for these last few months, aside from missions with the team. She is with me all the time. How am I going to ignore her absence?

Wally and Artemis look down at us sadly as Dick and Dinah walk up.

Alex, Jake, Forager, Tara, Conner, M'gann, and Violet all send their good-bye at the house.

Part of me thinks the only reason Wally and Artemis are here is because they don't want me to do it alone. I think Dick just wants to see her one last time.

We look back as they stop walking, Dinah giving me a tight lipped smile, "I will go talk to her parents," She says before walking through the other door. We are on one side of a room, where we can see in, but they won't be able to see us. Still, I wore my suit in case I needed to go in there.

Lily sees Dick and I let go of her hand, her walking to him. He smiles softly at her as he squats to hug her, her arms wrapping around his neck.

His hand is nearly the size of her back as he holds her, and I force myself to look away as he closes his eyes and his smile falls. He is going to miss her too. We all are.

I wrap my arms around myself and turn to watch as Dinah leads two people into the room. They are an older couple, maybe in their late-thirties, and they look anxious. The eyes and hair, the facial features and expressions... they all match Lily's.

Arms wrap around my waist, and I look down to see Lily looking up at me. This time tears are falling down her face, making my heart hurt.

I hug her to me, my hand soothing her hair as I try to get her to stop crying.

"It's going to be okay," I promise her, my eyes brimming with tears behind my mask, despite my voice sounding sure. "You are going to be okay. And you get to see your parents again," I say, pulling away, looking at her. She sniffs a little as I wipe away a few tears and force a smile, "And you are going to be safe now. And you can always count on me, Lily, if you need anything. But you need to keep my identity a secret from everyone, even your parents. And you can't tell them anything you heard or any one else's identity." I tell her. Despite her not talking, I'm saying this hoping that she does find her voice soon. I am hoping she heals from all of this. "Okay?"

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