«chapter nine: trust»

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  When I make my way back upstairs, they seem to have everything figured out.

  I move back to my spot next to Wally as if I had never left.

  It's only when he turns to me and jumps than anyone realizes, "Gosh, Cat, give a warning!" He exclaims, holding his chest.

  "You have been friends with Nightwing for so long I figured you would be used to it," I say innocently before I smile, "Forgot you were a scaredy cat."

  He scolds at this, but says, "We decided where everyone was going to go." I raise my eyebrow at him so he knows I'm listening.

  "We are going to take Violet and Tara," Artemis answers for him.

  "And Forager and Brion already live in Bioship so-"

  "Forager and Brion will share Bioship with Alex!" Forager exclaims, much to Alex's dismay. He doesn't argue though, which I am thankful for.

  "Luke said he would go back to Gotham, live with his dad, " M'gann says while looking at him. He nods at her words, telling me he agreed to this. He probably misses his dad and guilt rushes over me at the thought.

  Jake always had a choice to go back, but he wasn't willing to leave me alone. It didn't make me feel better about the situation though.

  "And you and Lily can stay in Gotham-" Conner says but, Alex cuts him off.

  "I think I should also stay in Gotham with Cat," He says with an innocent smile.

  The tension grows and I wonder if he knows the mess he is making for me to clean up or if he is seriously this dense.

"And Lily," Wally adds, his gaze set on Alex.

  Wally is one of the friendliness people ever unless he is the tiny bit unsure about you, so it's a little shocking to see him staring Alex down.

"That's- yeah that's what I-"

  "Alex?" I say, causing him to look at me slightly hopeful. Everyone else even tenses, looking to me to hear what I have to say.


  "Shut up," I order, my patience running thin as I give him a hard look. He opens his mouth to say something, which only causes me to narrow my eyes at him, daring him to say one more thing.

  At this point, I think if he did, it wouldn't be me or Dick to punch him but Wally.

  A few people snicker at this, and Alex looks slightly embarrassed, but I have bigger problems to worry about.

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