«chapter thirty-five: zenith and abyss»

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  I guard Nightwing's back as we both run across and opening, stopping behind a bolder.

  We have split up into pairs, Zatanna and Tigress, Aquaman and Rocket, Nightwing and I.

  He didn't even ask me. No one did; everyone assumed who would be going with who. I always went with him. He always went with me. Even with the break up. That's got to mean something, right?

"Anyone got eyes on S.B.?" Nightwing asks.

"Nothing." Aquaman responds in our minds.

"No sign." Zatanna sighs.

  "You sure these Kryptonians don't have superpowers?" Tigress asks skeptically.

  "No yellow sun, no powers. But don't get cocky. They've been here a long time and know the ropes." He warns.

  "You telling us not to get cocky is ironic," I arch an eyebrow at him, but he only rolls his eyes and continues.

  "If they spot us, we'll all feel the mode." His body stiffens, "Wait! There he is. We see him."

  My heart races as I look forward, my eyes settling on him. He is alive. I fight back a laugh, trying to keep the swarm of emotions rushing in at bay.

"Do we move in?"

  "Not yet." He says as we look at Conner and the random man talking to him. Suddenly, the man walks away. "Okay. He's alone in the open. Converge."

  I follow Nightwing's lead, stepping out from behind the rock we were hiding behind.

"Conner," Nightwing says softly.

  Conner spins on his heels, looking at us with confusion before shock takes over his features. His eyes meet mine before they go to everyone else walking up behind Nightwing and I.

  "Zone-Sickness. Hallucinations," He says, grabbing his head. "Ignore them."

"Conner, it's us," Artemis frowns. "We're real."

"We're here to take you home," Zee adds.

  "Oh, really," A deep voice cuts through the air, making the hairs on my neck stand. Suddenly, we are surrounded by the war criminals, the leader staring at us. "Then you must have a way out of here. Do tell!"

  "Then they're real. You see them too?" Conner asks, making something hurt in my chest. I remember that feeling all too well. Not being sure if the people you love are actually there or if it's a dream.

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