«chapter thirty-two: rescue and search»

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I look at Raquel in concern as Dick turns away from us.

Zatanna and Dick found me and filled me in on everything; how Zatanna saw him and went to the circus to get Dick so that they could investigate. And then they told me, and now we are telling Raquel.

"So, you think Conner's in the Phantom Zone?" She questions, her eyes wide.

"Hurt and desperate," I struggle with the words.

"Trapped. For months." Dick crosses his arms over his chest in frustration over the fact that they never thought to look for him... but how could they have known.

"Wait, does that mean you believe Conner's alive now?" Zatanna questions, making him turn around.

"And it hasn't even been 24 hours," He muses before turning to the side in thought.

"Bart's still missing too." I add, not letting them forget about him. My worry for that situation is increasing with the fact that Wally and Barry are also worried.

"Bart maybe on a path parallel to ours," Dick thinks out loud, "He seems to have chosen to be with people Superman finds trustworthy. And I have a hunch they were on the Bio-Ship that destroyed the Projector."

"That's a bit of a leap, isn't it?" I question, not sure about the connection.

"Maybe," He admits, "But Superman admitted he was withholding information from us." He turns to us, "Why would he do that unless telling us could make matters worse? Unless telling us could threaten the time stream itself... What if Bart the Time-Traveler is with two other Time-Travelers? What if they have inside intel about this Kryptonian Time-Traveler, about the Phantom Zone, and about Conner being trapped there?"

"Whoa, Boy Wonder," Raquel stops him, "You're seriously reaching."

"I know!" He exclaims before looking at us again, "But it comes down to this: Bart made a choice, and we should trust him on it. Conner was asking for help, and we need to get him out of the Zone."

Raquel looks at him in concern, "He spends a lot of time hanging upside down from trapezes." She looks at Zatanna and I, "Are we really buying all this?"

"You two dated him. You tell me." I point out.

"Wait," Raquel looks at Dick as if my statement reminded her of her, "Where is Brooke?"

"Probably busy," He answers smoothly despite flinching at the question.

"And you don't want Brooke to know?" I ask with my hands on my hips, already knowing the answer.

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