«chapter forty-one: getting him back»

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It's been a day. One painful day of me pacing around wishing someone would let me do something, and being told not to. The only reason I am listening is because I know they can't lose two people.

Alex watches me with worry, "Maybe he went to see his mother and-"

"Alex, he would have told me," I shake my head. "Damian is not an open person but he wouldn't just leave..." I trail off before adding, "Well, he would but he would usually tell at least one person or leave a clue as to where he was." I shake my head, "Besides, Tim found the last place he was and there is evidence of a fight."

And the marks on the floor, on the walls, all match the ones I made when I was fighting the damn owls.

He sighs and hangs his head, "I just don't like seeing you so stressed. We will find the kid, I promise. Besides, from what I have seen, he is tough... Hell, he probably has them exactly where he wants them," He jokes, making me smile, but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"Thank you," I mutter, looking down for a few moments, "For being there for me with everything."

Alex stayed with me through most of my recovery. I didn't expect it, but it was sweet. He also didn't trust going back to our house, which made sense.

"You don't have to thank me, Brooke," He reassures me, standing from his spot on the chair in my room. "I care about you a lot more than I think I should be admitting to you," He says looking at the floor, "And I know you still may have feelings for him... I just wish you wouldn't," He adds quietly before his eyes meet mine again, "But until then I am going to be there for you regardless of whatever is going on between us."

I stare at him, unsure of what to say as the tension shifts.

He doesn't seem to know either. So we both just stay silent, me folding my laundry as he sits in the room like a guard dog by my door.

We stay like that until I am done and he decides he wants a snack. I say no to one and it seems like the right choice because as soon as he opens the door, Dick knocks on it.

Dick's eyes shift from Alex to me before Alex says, "I'm gonna go get that snack."

I watch as Dick closes the door behind him.

"Any news?" I question, my eyes finding his, ignoring the awkwardness of him seeing Alex.

Both of us couldn't give a shit about that stuff right now. Not when they have Damian. Relationship drama is not my concern right now.

"No," He frowns, "We are trying, but-"

"Dick," I run a hand through my hair, "I don't understand. I don't get how this happened. How did it go from me being targeted to really it's you they want? How did Damian get kidnapped? How-"

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