«chapter five: companions»

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I wait for all of them to get on before I do, but a scream causes me to run inside the bio-ship, my eyes wide and my hands reaching for my weapons.

Jake is hiding behind Conner and Alex is backing away wide eyed, though I don't know why until I move closer.

"What the-" My eyes widen as a bug like creature clicks his tongue at me.

"Forager does not wish to fight an assassin, but Forager will if Forager must." It says, causing me to look to the others, who didn't seem nearly as alarmed.

He is with them. I roll my eyes and take off my balaclava and cloak, tossing them in the corner, "I'm not an assassin."

"Are you sure, Miss Cat, you were very convincing." The girl with powers that I don't know says again, causing me to shake my head.

"We need to get out of here." I look to this Forager person before I add, "Think you can do that?"

"Forager likes the Cat," Forager says making clicking sounds at me, "To the point."

"Cat," Artemis tries to stop me as I walk to the window, but I move past her.

"We've got to get out alive, Artemis. Before I worry about anything else." I mutter I look at Deathstroke and Lady Shiva watching as we take off.

I put my hand on the wall to steady myself, my eyes still on Deathstroke's even though he can't see me.

"How did you know that would work?" Conner questions from his seat.

"I didn't." I admit as we camouflage the bio-ship.

"That's your ex?" I hear Black Lightning whisper to Nightwing.

"His ex with amazing hearing," I say without turning around, closing my eyes as images of the Shadows plague my mind.

I knew they would be worse after I was forced to see Ra's al Ghul again, but seeing the Shadows in action like that...

M'gann helped me with suppressing the nightmares and me slipping back into the state where I forget everyone and try to hurt them, but she can't take away every memory of me with the Shadows. And now more than ever I am reminded of my time with them.

We can't see Santa Prisca anymore when I open my eyes, and I finally turn. My eyes lock onto Nightwing's as if they were drawn to each other.

"Jake, take Lily and Alex to the Medicine bay, please." I ask, my eyes leaving Nightwing's briefly to watch the three look at each other before Jake nods and goes to where Artemis points to.

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