«chapter fifteen: bad ideas»

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I smile as Lily sits next to me, watching Scooby-doo.

A moment later she shifts to rest her head on my lap, and I let her before I run my fingers through her hair, smoothing it over.

It's New Year's Eve, and while this isn't exactly how I imagined my New Year's going, I'm strangely okay with it.

Other than Alex who keeps trying to 'make a move on me' in Wally's words. He keeps coming around, to the point where I told Forager to keep him busy.

I haven't seen either of them since, so whatever he is doing is working.

Wally and Artemis are throwing a party tonight, and they did invite me. I just told them I wouldn't be able to go.

Dick probably wouldn't go if I did. He hasn't talked to me since the kiss, and I am not sure if I even blame him for that. The long periods of not talking seem to be a reoccurring thing though, and one I could do without.

So while my friends are all having fun together, I am sitting with Lily watching Scooby-doo.

Which is why I was very surprised to hear a knock on my door. Well, Conner and M'gann's door.

Lily lifts her head up, letting me get up before I silently make my way to the front door.

We are in the middle of nowhere, I think as I reach for the door handle and pull it open. Why would someone-

"Brooklyn," The familiar voice greets me before I can even scan him from head to toe.

"What are you doing here?" I question, confusion seeping into my tone as I side step to let Damian in.

He looks around the house with his nose turned up as he inspects everything. When he seems to come to a conclusion on if he likes the house, he turns to me, "I did not want to go to another boring public event. Old ladies keep squeezing my cheeks, and Father will not let me retaliate against them. I suggested I stay with you and he gave in."

I blink before raising an eyebrow as I close the door, "You can just say you miss me."

"I do not," He sniffs indifferently, rolling his eyes, "I figured you would be alone on this pointless holiday as well, given your connections with your friends are rocky at best."

Taking no time to work up to the kill I guess.

I lean against the door, crossing my arms, "Well, I missed you if that makes it easier for you to admit it."

"Whatever," He mutters, causing me to smile.

I lean forward and pinch his cheeks, causing him to slap my hands away.

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