«chapter forty-eight: the letter»

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I close my eyes, breathing in the air of Gotham City.

Not the cleanest air... but it was my home for most my life. And I missed it.

But it's not home. It's not where I should be now, and I know it. I open my eyes, looking out at the rest of the city.

I spent all of Red Robin's patrol beating up bad guys.

Batman and the others that didn't know I was back, were very pleased with my return. The thought alone thinking about how happy they were to see me makes me smile.

I missed them. I missed this. I missed out on Gotham and being close to people I consider family because of being scared to hurt them.

Now I know I just have to be strong enough to prevent that. And trusting enough to let them decide for themselves what they want to do.

My ears perk up when I hear someone land on the roof behind me, but I don't turn.

A warm sensation crawls over me and I know it's him.

I knew he would find me. After all, this is the roof it all started on.

"I think we should talk," He says.

I know I shouldn't be. I can't understand why anger filled my body as turned to look at him, but it did.

Because looking at him hit me so hard it hurt. Because I remembered that a few weeks ago I thought I was going to lose him and I would have blamed myself. And then I thought he was going to kill me and the only thought that kept me fighting was the fact that while I wasn't willing to hurt him, I knew it would kill him if he hurt me. Willing or not.

But even before all of that... he decided to drug me and run off alone.

"Now you want to talk?" I bite out, anger seeping in my voice. He takes a step back, his eyes wide. He wasn't expecting this reaction. And even though he is surprised, there is a look of relief on his face.

That's when I realize he was probably prepared for me to hate him. To not be able to look at him. To speak to him.

Oh, no. He is about to get an ear full.


"You are an idiot!" I hiss, "Drugging me and going off on your own like that?" My voice rings out over the roof, "Do you understand how that could have ended? Do you understand how I would have felt if you had-" I cut off, not wanting to say it.

"That's what you want to talk about?" He questions, bewilderment in his voice.

"What else?" I snap back, "Do you think I would let that side? If you ever do that again, so help me-" I shake my head, because now he is looking at me in frustration too. "And your stuff to give me!" I'm almost screaming now. "Oh, let's not forget the stupid goodbye letter!" I pull the envelope out of my belt, waving it in the air, "As if you knew you were-"

"Why isn't that opened?" He asks, his eyes narrowing in on the unopened envelope.

My mouth nearly falls open before I scoff, "I'm not going to read your good-bye letter. Not after you drugged me. Not after I almost was killed by the people you tried to go hunt. The fact that you thought I would read that letter and be okay with what you did-"

"You didn't read the letter?" He interrupts me. I stop, looking at him confusion on my face as to why this is so important. That and guilt because maybe the letter was important to him. He laughs humorously as he takes in my expression, "Of course you didn't. You are too stubborn to do anything I need you to do, right? To listen to me," He shakes his head, frustration shining in his eyes as he runs a hand through his hair. "Read the damn letter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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