«chapter thirty-one: game night»

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Wally gets up to greet the two new additions as Lian calls my name, thankfully snapping me out of the state I am in.

I force a painful smile at her, and one I know Will doesn't miss as he sits down beside me.

"Could you actually, take her for a moment," I ask, handing her over before I can even hear a response from him.

I get up, my chest feeling tight as I calmly walk away from the group, Artemis pulling Hanna into the kitchen as Dick whispers to Wally, "What is she doing here?"

My feet feel sluggish as I go to the furthest room and open the door, shutting myself inside without a second thought.

My chest rises and falls rapidly as a dull ache hits my chest.

A moment later I hear rushed footsteps, and take a few steps away from the door before I pause, hearing exactly who it is.

"What the hell, Dick, why did you bring Hanna?" Wally hisses, and I only then realize stopping in this room wasn't smart.

They both probably thought I went all the way up the stairs into the spare bathroom or maybe even onto the roof. I usually end up somewhere higher up when I am upset.

"I didn't know Brooke was going to be here, you did tell me," Dick whispers back.

"Would you have come if you knew?" Wally snaps as quietly as he can. There is a pause, one long enough to make it feel like a second stab to my heart before Wally says lowly, "I don't know what is going on with you to, but you need to get it together. You-"


"Listen," Wally cuts him off, "I know you. I know you better than probably anyone else. Aside from Brooke." There is another pause before Wally continues with, "I understand you need time, but if you don't figure this out, you are going to lose her. You are both going to lose each other."

Loud silence follows before I hear Dick's voice again. "We are friends, Wally. Maybe that's all we are-"

"Bullshit," Wally cuts him off again, "You don't look at anyone the way you look at her. You don't. Hell, You haven't dated anyone since her. Do you think that went unnoticed by literally everyone close to you? You both haven't. Because there isn't supposed to be anyone else for you both."

"She is living with Alex, and pretty comfortably," Dick says, and I have to stop myself from shouting that it isn't what he thinks it is.

"So you bringing Hanna tonight was what? To get back at her?" Wally questions.

"I didn't know she would be here," Dick repeats, "I didn't mean for... I didn't know she would be here or I wouldn't have come... Hanna and I are... We aren't even dating. When you said this was supposed to be game night, I figured I was supposed to bring a partner to play with like we used to."

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