«chapter eight: friends»

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  By the time Wally and I make it back to the living room, Halo, Brion, Tara and Forager have moved back into the house. Dick and Lily weren't here though.

  A few seconds later, Jake and Alex follow, and I take in the group in front of me.

  "Okay, this is a bit cramped." I say, causing them to look to us.

  "Yeah... where exactly are we all planning on staying?" Jake asks.

Artemis frowns before looking to Wally.

  He looks like he is going to protest before he sighs and says, "Fine, what's a few more. Not like we are already living with Will and Lian." He mutters the last part, causing me to smile.

  I will have to see her before I leave again. The thought makes my smile fall as quickly as it came.

  "Great!" Artemis claps her hands together, "Then it's decided, Halo is already staying with us, and Tara you can too."

Tara smiles appreciatively, and Halo squeals at the news and says, "Oh, it will be so fun! You most meet Lian and Will, they are amazing."

Tara smiles at her in response, but I can tell it isn't genuine. I don't blame her, considering her being with the shadows for a while.

I look out the window, my eyes finding Dick and Lily in a field of flowers with Wolf close by.

Dick is smiling at her, saying a few things that make her smile too as they pick some flowers.

I look away, looking to Wally, who seems to already be reading my thoughts as he mutters, "Go."

I nod and manage to sneak out of the room without anyone noticing, them too busy deciding where to put everyone.

When I get outside, I take a deep breath, the air feeling crisp as wind picks up slightly.

I turn my attention to Dick and Lily and without overthinking it, I walk up to them.

He is crouched down next to her, showing her a ladybug on his finger, a smile on his face as he watches her watching the bug.

I try not to draw attention to myself, but Lily almost seems like she senses me as she turns to look at me, her smile never wavering.

I glad she can still smile after what she has been through. The thought that she was supposed to be turned into a monster to be killed... I can't think about it.

Dick notices her movement as follows her gaze, his smile faltering when he realizes it's me.

I pretend I don't notice as Lily runs up to me, holding her hand out with a large amount of flowers in her small hand.

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