«chapter seventeen: meta-brawl»

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We look around at the many groups of people everywhere. This is going to be interesting to say the least.

"Okay, let's get this done," Dinah mutters under her breath as I read Barbara's messages she is sending to me on the topic.

"Why someone would even willingly do this is so weird to me," Artemis says, to which Dinah and I both give her a look.

Dinah's mentor had a habit of visiting this place. Dick and I have looked into it a few times in the past, but we haven't ever had much of a reason to shut it down; it keeps the villains busy while we take care of the really difficult stuff.

"Thank you both for helping," I say, giving them a grateful look. I know that they didn't want to and are only doing it to be my backup, which means a lot to me.

"No problem," Artemis says before she smirks, "Besides, it was a little amusing to watch Brooke explain herself to you in the car."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, "Glad it was enjoyable for someone," I retort, wincing as I think back to the conversation.

She is officially now up to speed with my relationship status and the ordeal with the whole being targeted again.

"Oh, eyes on you at your three," Artemis says, making me look, and I mentally get ready to put on an act.

The good thing about having Catwoman as my mentor growing up is the fact that I can always pull some sort of mask together.

"Hello, Dustin," I smile flirtatiously, doing my best to pretend I can't see Barbara and Dick's conversation.

"Hello, Hot Stuff," He grins, immediately wrapping his arm around my waist. "When I got your text, I was a little surprised," He admits before leaning in close to my ear, "But not disappointed."

"It's playtime," Barbara says, to me trough the contacts.

"Playtime after the mission, Dustin," I flirt, using Barbara's words so that she knows I can hear her.

It's only after I say them that I realize that it sent to both Barbara and Dick.

"Playtime after the mission?" Dick questions with an edge to his tone, and I don't have time to answer before he says, "Uh, after the mission we should catch a play. Or a movie. You know, we're in Hollywood... Seems like the thing to do."

Oh my gosh, he is talking to Jefferson.

I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing as Barbara sends laughing faces.

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