«chapter thirty-seven: back in gotham»

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I smile down at the little brunette in front of me.

"I missed you so much," I whisper to her, making her smile as we walk hand and hand down the streets of Gotham.

I have to thank Dick for setting this up. It took a few weeks considering that everything has been more than crazy for the team, but with M'gann and Conner getting married yesterday, it felt like a good time.

Lily requested we go to the movies and then to the park. Well, she didn't actually say it. She still isn't talking despite the sessions with Dinah. I don't blame her. After seeing what she saw... going through what she went through.

I shake my head to get the pictures out of my mind and hold onto her hand tighter.

Considering I didn't think it was appropriate to keep her in a park at night, despite knowing I could handle any common thug, we went to the park earlier this afternoon and are now going to the movies.

She is dressed in a pastel purple sundress, making my jeans, black bodysuit, and leather jacket look out of place. Some people look at us for a few moments, but if they think it is weird, they don't approach me about it. She looks a lot like me so they probably assume I had her really young or I am her older sister.

The thought of kids, of a future more than what I have now has crossed my mind a few times since the wedding. If I could even have a life like that with someone...

I look up suddenly, my eyes narrowing.

I'm being followed.

I clench my teeth. I should have known. Why did I even risk it? I should have-

Thoughts like that aren't going to help, I remind myself before I look around calmly.

We just got done with the movie, some places closed now because it is after nine. The museum to my left for example. Most people in Gotham with businesses like that close early to avoid being held at gunpoint.

I look down at Lily before I pull her into an alley and point to the empty museum.

She understands immediately and we disappear a moment later.

I breathe out a sigh and pull her with me, up a few stairs to the third floor for good measure.

Keeping civilians out of this is the first step. The second? Get Lily the hell away from me.

When I feel like it is safe, I look at Lily, "Lily, I need you to-" A flash of metal makes me instinctively move in front of her, making me hiss out in pain as my thigh is sliced open.

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