«chapter four: santa prisca»

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  "This is a horrible idea, just want to let you know." Barbara texts me, causing me to fight back an eye roll.

  "I do know. I need your help to get us out. I can't just leave the princess with the League of Shadows." I text back, trying to reason.

  I've already had to explain it to Artemis, Wally, M'gann and Conner. I've already had to think through it all. She is in a worse position if we leave her there and I can't control Brion if he loses her or if I say no one more time.

  I've also thought about Brooklyn. I've thought about what it may mean for her if we go back. But I can't change it. If I could, I would.

  "Fine. Just be careful, you are taking a lot of risks here."

"I know."

  I turn my phone on and look back to Artemis, who is already looking at me with a frown.

"It's just a rescue mission." I mutter to her.

  "I know," She says putting on her Tigress mask, "I just hope it's not going to turn into someone else's rescue mission for us."

I look away at that as we come up on Santa Prisca.

  We asked M'gann to use the bio-ship for this, because we are taking everyone. Conner, Artemis, Jefferson, Violet, Forager, and Brion of course.

  The latter three are under strict instructions not to do anything without our permission. Let's just hope they are nothing like us and actually follow rules.

  We land and I turn to them, "This is just a rescue. If you see any Shadows, and assassins, stay clear. Do. Not. Engage." I say slowly as I look at the kids, "Stay clear of Deathstroke and Lady Shiva at all costs. Got it?"

They all nod, Forager clicking his tongue.

  "Um... Forager, maybe just should stay with Bio-Ship. Be our way off." I say rubbing the back of my neck. He isn't exactly built to be stealthy.

  "Forager, likes that idea very much, Forager likes Bio-Ship." He says patting the ship, "And Forager does not wish to fight assassins."

"Noted..." I say watching him.

  "And agreed," Conner says, crossing his arms as he looks at me.

  I sigh but move to the door anyways. "I don't want to fight either, but we don't have a choice. You can either come or-"

  "Of course we are coming. We aren't going to just leave you." Artemis says moving to walk past me, "But if we end up dead, I'm never letting you hear the end of it."

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