«chapter twenty-two: anti-life»

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  "My link with Beta's been severed," Miss Martian updates us as we fly on alien tech. "For just a moment, I sensed my uncle's touch upon Geo-Force's consciousness... But J'onn's mind was not his own."

  I share a look with Tigress at that before I look back at them. That's not promising. Not at all.

  "Superman and the other Leaguers?" Superboy asks.

  She shakes her head with a frown, "Nothing. Nothing on any of them. Not even J'onn now."

  Tigress signs next to me, "No doubt they're all under Granny's control," She remarks.

  "Stay traught," Nightwing says, making me look at him, "Just need to level the playing field."

  "And how do you suggest doing that?" I question, "We can't take them all out at once." As soon as the words leave my lips I realize how wrong I am. My eyes look to M'gann, "Unless..."

  Aquaman nods in agreement, following what I am thinking, "Yes. M'gann, the moment we enter, brain blast everyone. Render all unconscious, friend and foe alike."

  Superboy shakes his head as he says, "That won't work on everyone, especially those under Granny's sway," He takes a moment before he adds, "A puppet doesn't need a mind if someone else is pulling the strings."

  Aquaman takes a moment, keeping his voice calm as he looks back at M'gann, "Your psychic strength may be the only way to tip the balance in our favor. You must do to them what you once did to me."

  Superboy recoils at this as anger flashes in his eyes, "You are not suggesting she brain-fry everyone. Don't you know the effect it has on-"

  "Believe me," Aquaman cuts him off with a look. "I understand the consequences to our friends, but-"

  "But what about the consequences to M'gann?" He questions, gesturing to her.

  M'gann, who has been silent this whole time, finally speaks up and says, "Conner, what about the consequences to the Universe? If Granny succeeds in using this Anti-Life Equation, then billions throughout the galaxy will be enslaved." She points out, her voice going softer as she looks at her fiancé, "I'm prepared to sacrifice my soul to save theirs... Are you prepared to stop me?"

  I can't help but think about the similar conversation Dick and I had about me risking myself instead of letting others help.

  Conner and M'gann always seemed like the perfect couple... It's a little reassuring to see this side of them. And I only say that because I know how much they love each other. I know they will end up together.

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