«chapter seven: questions»

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  "Well, I know I've got some questions," Jefferson says when no one else speaks up, causing me to smile a bit.

  I stand up and walk to the window, looking down at the others as the exit out of the house.

  Crossing my arms, my eyes follow Lily and Jake with Alex next to them before they fall onto Tara.

  I don't take my eyes off of her as I say, "You guys know Tara is a mole, right?" I wait a second before I turn and look at them.

  They look back in surprise before Artemis says, "We did... We wanted to let her chose what side she wanted to be on. How did you? You were barely with her."

  "The Shadows taking a defenseless teen that doesn't know any better and turns them against the good guys," I say before flashing a smile, "Not really original."

  "I have less questions than before," Jefferson chimes in, causing me to smile.

  "It's a rollercoaster," I shrug before I add, "I'm just glad you guys are giving her a chance to pick."

  A dig at how they treated me before they realized I wasn't crazy. I just have to remind them sometimes.

  "Yeah, we learned from past mistakes," Conner rubs the back of his neck, "But, now to you." He says straightening up, "When did Jake turn?"

  "And where did you find that Alex guy," Wally scrunches his nose as if he tasted something bad.

  I roll my eyes at him but answer Conner first, "I found out about Jake when he went missing. His dad called me, and I found him but they had already activated his metagene. He chose to stay with me and help others instead of going back to Gotham," I explain before I shake my head, "His dad thinks he is touring. He visits him when we are close to Gotham."

  Conner nods as well as the others, taking in the information before I lean against the wall, crossing my arms as I look to Wally.

  "Alex just sort of crossed paths with us and stuck."

"Like a leech?" Wally supplies innocently.

  "He isn't a bad guy," I say though even I am surprised that I am defending him. "He is annoying, but he hasn't given us a reason to kick him to the crib yet."

  Artemis stops Wally from saying anything else by elbowing him in the gut. He mutters an 'ouch' and rubs his side.

  "Do you trust him?" Jefferson asks, which causes me to freeze slightly.

  He wouldn't have known how that phrase would make Dick or I feel. But I can feel Dick's eyes on me and it makes me want to say I fully trust him just to get some sort of reaction out of him. Maybe even to hurt him.

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