«chapter forty: making moves»

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I look through the glass, ignoring the jealousy pulsing through my body as Alex watches over Brooklyn.

She is dreaming; her eyebrows are slightly drawn together, her eyelashes fluttering softly as she sleeps.

He came in as soon as he could and has been staying with her ever since. Will also came in worried about her.

When he made eye contact with me though, he backed away, his hands in the air.

Brooke had mentioned they were not dating anymore to me at M'gann and Conner's wedding after I made a comment about it. I also told her Hanna and I weren't together either.

But it seems Alex still has a thing for her.

"He is still there?" Tim asks coming up to me, "It's been two weeks."

Two weeks of us promising Brooke we wouldn't act without her. Two weeks of me trying to wrap my head around the fact that she got hurt because of me. Two weeks of trying not to blame myself for this. Two weeks of putting myself through my own personal hell watching her hurt.

"He has a spare room here now," I say before I look to him, "How are things?"

"The teams are good," He sighs, and I can see the exhaustion seeping in. "Everyone is worried but I have reassured them all that thanks to the doctors and Halo, she is going to be fine."

In fact, they are letting her come home today. Well, M'gann and Conner are refusing to let her go anywhere but to their house, which is fine but everyone.

Violet being able to heal her dramatically helped her healing process, but the doctors didn't want her out just yet. Somehow they know about her tendency to put herself in danger.

"And you?" I ask finally looking away from her face, "The others?"

Tim's eyes soften on Brooklyn's face, "All of us were scared shitless. We all are reacting differently. Cass is being more violent. Damian too. Jason is getting distracted. Hell, Katie had to force me to go to sleep the other night because I couldn't stop trying to find who did this." He frowns at looks at me, "But I think we are all just worried about how you are handling this."

I look away out of shame. Not because of them worrying about me but because this whole year I have been blaming Brooke for what has happened to her. I thought it was her getting involved with Ra's al Ghul. Her not trusting us with the full story.

But it was my fault. For some unknown reason, it's my fault. Why would people who dress up as owls care about me? And what is the connection to the circus?

"Father told me a story of the Talons," Damian says walking up, "He said his father used to tell stories of them. They were a myth." He stops next to us, crossing his arms behind his back. "Beware the Court of Owls that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shadow perch, behind granite and lime, They watch you at your hearth, they watch you in your bed, speak not a whispered word of them or they'll send the talon for your head." He repeats from memory.

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