«chapter nineteen: family annoyances»

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I am woken up by a camera flashing.

  My eyes snap open to find Wally West grinning like an idiot.

  I nearly shout his name before I realize why he is taking a picture and who I am laying next to.

Well, shit.

  I internally groan and somehow manage to get out of his grip without waking him (thank you pain killers) before I grab Wally by the ear and haul his ass out of the room.

  "Ow, ow, ow!" He whispers under his breath, making me let his ear go as I turn and scold him.

  "What do you think you are doing?" I hiss lowly, trying to keep it down so I don't wake anyone else up.

  Wally looks back at me and pouts as he rubs his red ear before he starts grinning again, holding up the camera. "It's for the scrapbook," He says happily.

  "Wally," I cross my arms. "One, I am still convinced that scrapbook doesn't exist. And, two, if it does, you should burn it because we aren't together anymore."

  "Didn't look like it just then," He remarks, his eyes scanning over my face, "I didn't know how red your face could get. Pretty funny." Before I can respond, he rushes back into the room, leaving me behind.

  I stare stunned at the door before I mutter, "My face isn't red," I huff out, fanning my face in case it is.

  Instead of going back in, I decide to go make myself some coffee, trying to avoid facing him for a little while longer.

  I try not to read into anything because of the state he is in, but it's hard to when his words keep playing in my mind.

"I need this."

  I close my eyes, my hand on the coffee pot as I take a deep breath, remembering his touch.

I needed it too.



  When I wake up, Wally is in my room, looking smug about something, but I am not sure what. I decide not to question it, not having the energy to deal with it right now.

  "Good morning, Honey," He retorts, his eyes looking over me.

  "Good morning, dear," I remark sarcastically, grinning slightly as he does.

  "Gave all of us a scare, Dick," He says, his voice more serious now. "Pretty sure you scared Cat out of her wits."

Oh, shit.

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