«chapter thirty-six: over and out»

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  The first thing I do when the world materializes around me is scan my surroundings.

  I am in what appears to be Superman's fortress of solitude... I know what it looks like because Dick dared me I couldn't sneak into it... so we snuck in together.

  My eyes land on him, fighting already with the little super-dweeb.

  His parents are behind him in what looks to be Superman's destroyed energy pods.

  Nightwing definitely knows how to piss people off.

  I immediately throw a knife straight at the super son's head.

  He dodges it narrowly, but it gives Nightwing time to kick him back.

  Lor looks between the two of us, "Of course, I should have known it would be you both."

  I don't question what that means. I don't have the time. His eyes laser into the ground, making me dodge by flipping closer to Nightwing.

"Hey!" Nightwing shouts, lunging for him.

  It's as if the time slows. I see it before I can voice it. So I act instead, trying to put myself in between the two as Lor's hand slaps into Nightwing's body. Hard.

  In a split second, I feel a punch to my side, sending me towards Nightwing who hits the sculpture of Superman's parents. Hard. Hard enough to crack it.

  I grunt, flying straight into it too, a cry of pain leaving my lips. My body is the final straw as the whole thing cracks, the sculpture breaking into millions of pieces.

  Somehow, as if he were able to fly, Nightwing grabs me, pushing my body under his as we fall. The breath is knocked out of me as we hit the floor.

  My chest hurts, my side is on fire with pain as I groan out, Nightwing's body landing on top.

  I don't realize why he switched us until I feel the pieces of the sculpture hit him, him holding himself up as much as he can to shield me.

That is, until the all come raining down.

  I shield my own head as he moves over close enough for me to sense him, but I can't see him. I can't see anything as the rocks fall. Luckily there is a small hole from two large chucks, saving me from being crushed.

Nightwing saved me from being crushed.

  I look over, peaking through a small hole to look at him, and my breathing catches.

  My chest tightens and I almost scream, but bite it back.

His head is bleeding. He isn't moving. He isn't-

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