«chapter twenty-nine: a caged cat sings»

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"You are staying out of it," Cheshire says, putting her mask into place as we get close.

"Like hell-"

"Artemis will never forgive me if I take you in there," She stops me, her tone hard, "I wouldn't forgive myself. You stay out here. If we need you then you can help."

"You wouldn't call me even if you did," I counter, crossing my arms.

She studies me for a moment before squaring her shoulders, as if she were readying for a battle, "I would. I have faith in you. But the fact that they call you the 'Queen of the Shadows' is enough for Slade and Shiva to do everything they can to kill you."

My eyes narrow on her, pure hate at the situation thrumming in my veins as I say, "Go. If Oracle doesn't update me then I am going in."

If she doesn't kill me when she finds out where I am first. I had neglected to tell both Artemis and her.

The truth is, I would be in there fighting until my dying breath for Cass, for any of them, if they hadn't stopped me. If they hadn't talked at least a little sense.

Because Brooklyn Travis is already being hunted. I don't need Shadowcat being hunted too. I don't need to worry even more about everyone around me. And Slade would know where to press, he would know where to strike to hurt me the most.

Shiva got pretty damn close with Cass. It's not a secret that I have an especially soft spot for any of the Batbrats.

My eyes follow her as she soundlessly leaps out of the boat and makes her away up the shore.

I take a deep breath and duck down, switching my contacts back on, letting Barbara see that I am online, and where I am.

'You did not,' I hear her hiss out, imagining her rubbing her hands over her face. 'He is going to kill me. Right after I kill you for this.'

"He doesn't have to know. He knows about Cass being abducted, but I was never here. I will say Catwoman needed my help," I promise her before my voice drops lower, "But we both know that I can't walk away from this."

Not after what they put her through. She needs to know we are still with her, she needs to know that while I am not always around now, that I would risk my life for her because I care about her that much. She needs to know she has a family.

'I know.' Her voice sounded defended as she says it before she asks, 'What is the plan? If they see you-'

"I will only reveal myself if they need help. I'm staying outside while Cheshire follows them in," I reassure her. "I wouldn't mind taking out some assassins while I wait though."

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