«chapter twenty-seven: more problems»

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(one month later)

I shake my head in frustration as I walk down the steps to the others.

'Temporary Cells A and B secured.' The computer rings out.

I look at the team in front of me, being Arrowette, Arsenal, Red Arrow, Spoiler, Tara and Orphan, all waiting for me to update them on the situation.

The conversation with the two assassins did not go how I had hoped, but how I expected. No luck with them telling us straight up who is actually good and who isn't. Looks like we are going to have to do this the hard way.

"Tara, you knew them both when you were a Shadow," I say, looking at the girl, "What do you think?"

She turns to study them on the computer screens, "Onyx had talent... But she wasn't bloodthirsty enough for Slade's tastes," She admits. "He never thought she'd make the cut.
Which would explain why she might run." She turns to look at Cassandra's cage, "But Cassandra was always a true believer. She worshipped her father... Hard to believe she'd ever betray him, the Light or the Shadows." She fills me in, looking to me, "In that world, she'd be quite the scandal."

I nearly scoff. I know all about scandals like that.

"Um, yeah, no," Spoiler butts in. "If I learned anything from Cluemaster, it's that no matter
how hard it is to admit your dear-old-dad's one of the bad guys, sooner or later, you have to walk away." She points out, bringing her father up as credibility. "You know what I'm talking about." She nods to me, making me narrow my eyes at her. I don't necessarily want to be reminded, but I do know.

"Some walk away. But some definitely follow in dear-old-dad's footsteps," Will interjects, looking at the girls. "Icicle, Jr... Cheshire." He looks away.

"Yes, what is that expression?" Tara asks, " The falling apple does not bounce far from one's head."

"I think you're conflating genetics with gravity," Roy grins at her, "But, yeah. As the tree is bent, so grows the twig."

"Sometimes the apple doesn't even fall," Will says, still thinking about my sister, slight pain and frustration in his tone, "It just sits on the branch and turns rotten."

Cissie looks between all of us, "Are we still talking about Cassandra and Onyx?" She asks. "Cause all this apple stuff has made me very confused and kinda hungry."

Right, we are getting off topic. I look to the newest Bat recruit in the last few years. "Orphan, you were a Shadow, too. Should we trust Cassandra?" I ask, and after a moment she shakes her head no. "Onyx?" Another head shake for no.

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