«chapter twenty-six: a celebration»

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I hear her voice before I see her, stopping behind the wall of her lecture hall.

"I'm freaking out, Wally!" She exclaims, and I hear the sounds of papers ruffing.

"Babe, it's going to be okay-"

"My TA got switched on me and you are telling me it's okay?" She hisses at him and I can imagine him rubbing his neck at that. I smile lightly as I keep listening to her situation. "And the new one is late! And all of the grades for last weeks essay should be in soon and I don't have them done." She rambles off.

"Okay, what is the new TA's name? Or their number, maybe I can call them," Wally tries to make it better.

"Umm... Katherine I think," Artemis says absentmindedly. "Did you see my lecture notes? The kids are going to be here any second."

"Where can I check for her information?" Wally asks.

"My computer, login to the school network," She tells him.

My shake my head and walk in, "So I take it by the panic in your voice that this is a bad time?" I ask, grinning at the two.

Artemis nearly drops her papers as she smiles at me, "Brooke! What are you doing here?"

"I'm happy to see you too," I laugh, making her huff out a breath, still smiling at me.

"Sorry, I m so ecstatic to see you, but why are you here?" She corrects a little sarcastically.

"I wanted to see my two favorite professors," I say, sitting on one of the desks, crossing my legs.

"Glad to hear that," Wally smiles at me, "But the Mrs. is pretty angry at the moment," He warns, pretending to whisper before going back to figuring out where the TA is.

"I just wanted to let you know I am living in Star City now," I inform them, making Artemis drop the papers this time.

"What?!" She asks, bending down to pick them up as she looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm actually in an apartment a few blocks for you guys," I continue as I hop off the desk to help her pick the papers up.

"That's great!" Wally exclaims before muttering, "Now we just need Dick to move in."

I tense at the mention of him, my eyes falling to the papers. Artemis doesn't fall to notice this, shooting her husband a glare before looking at me sympathetically. "I take it you guys still haven't talked?"

"We are just friends," I say, my eyes suddenly finding the paper on the floor a lot more interesting, "For now and that's fine."

"Yeah as fine as aliens attacking eart-"

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