«chapter twelve: the past»

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(one year ago)

"Dick," I grin, "What are you doing?"

  He looks at me, upside down in a handstand. Sorry, a one handed handstand.

  "Just... hanging around," He smiles, his cheeks getting slightly red as blood rushes to his head "Wanted a different view of the world."

  Dick always does weird stuff, but the fact that his cheeks are turning red means he has been upside down for a good bit.

  "Real reason?" I ask, crouching down in front of him.

  His muscles are tense with concentration, his eyebrows drawn together.

  "Wally bet me I couldn't do this for ten minutes," He admits.

"How far are you?" I ask, studying him.

"Eight," He grins, "I can do it."

I hum in agreement, smirking slightly.


  I kiss him for a moment, his body relaxing, focus broken making him crumble to the floor as I pull back.

  He groans, his limps bent in odd ways as he looks up at me, "That's cheating."

  "I'm not playing," I stand over him with my head cocked to the side, watching him in amusement, "I technically can't cheat."

  "It's cheating somehow," He rubs his head as he stands up, "Did Wally put you up to it?"

  "Wally has to put me up to things to mess with you?" I tease, a smirk on my face as I move to the kitchen.

  He smiles and raises an eyebrow at me, "Not usually," He leans on the counter, his face turning its normal color again. "You know Artemis wants back in?"

  He doesn't have to say anymore for me to know what he means. To get back into the hero world. The world that Wally desperately wants her out of.

  "I figured she would," I admit as I grab a water and untwist the cap. "She started young like us... it's hard to get out of it after being in it for most of your life." I sigh and take a sip.

  "She is going to be Tigress, not Artemis," He informs me, his eyes watching my movement, "She said Artemis is Wally's partner, and he isn't going to come back to the hero life."

  "I don't blame him," I mutter, setting down my water. I think for a moment before I look up at him, "Do... Do you think they will have kids soon? I mean they just got married, and I know they want kids."

  "Wally as a dad," Dick chuckles at the thought before he adds, "He would be great and I would love to see it. Artemis too, she is great with Lian." He shrugs, "I don't know... Maybe? It's weird to think about. They are only a few years older than us, ya know?"

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