«chapter forty-three: empty threats»

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From what I have gathered, they don't plan on doing anything with Damian. At least not now. Their main target is Dick, and now it's me.

They didn't know that we were Nightwing and ShadowCat until looking into us. And now things are a lot more dangerous.

It's been a few hours since I have seen anything, or heard anything other than hushed whispers of guards outside my door.

Just when I decide a nap would be nice the door opens again and someone new walks in.

He looks different from the others, his suit more resembles Dick's great-grandfather. That thought leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I watch with a bored expression on my face, but something in my gut tells me this one is familiar to me.

It's only when he takes his mask off that I realize why.

"Don't look so bored, Brooke," Alex flashes me a smile. "We both know you didn't see this one coming."

Anger flares in my stomach. How? How did I let that slip? How didn't I catch that?

"I am sure you are wondering how," He says, stepping closer and crouching down to my level. "You were too preoccupied with your little Grayson to realize you were living with the enemy. That and the grief of losing Conner," He clicks his tongue, "You haven't had a good year, have you?"

I watch him, my eyes scanning his face before I remark, "The most surprising thing about this is that you are good enough to be called a Talon."

He grins, making me scowl, "There's that spirit," He leans in as if he is going to tell me a secret, "You are going to need that."

"What do you want?" I hiss, leaning forward despite the metal holding me back, cutting into my skin.

"You," He mutters, looking at me carefully before standing up. "Well, at first it was just Dick Grayson. But that was before we knew how interesting you were. It's not everyday that you come across someone who was not only trained to takedown multiple superheroes, but also defeated Ra's al Ghul himself." He smiles at me, trying to seem friendly, "I mean, you and Dick Grayson would be unstoppable together if you would just abandon your morals. They are holding you both back from greatness... that's all we want. To allow you both to achieve that greatness."

"The last person to say that to me ended up with a sword pressed to his throat," I threaten. "I'm not in the mood to be anyone's weapon."

His smile falls, a cruel look taking form, "We will see."

Just when he finished his sentence, a scream of pain rings out, one that washes over me like ice water.

"Stop," I say. "Tell them to stop."

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