«chapter thirty-eight: consequences»

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"No." A broken gasp leaves my mouth as I spot her. As I spot the floors stained with red. "Please, no." I pray as I run up to her body.

My hands shake as I press two fingers to her neck. I choke back a sob when I feel a very faint pulse.

I'm not too late.

I pull out my phone, my hands still shaking as I call the only person I think can handle this right now.

"Bruce," I say trying to keep my voice even. "Brooke-Brooke needs help right now. She-we are in Gotham. Bruce, she is barely alive." My voice breaks.

I don't even hear what he says back. I don't comprehend anything other than Brooklyn in front of me, fighting to stay alive.

A few moments later, someone is running into the building.

I look up to find Jason, his face losing all color as he looks at her. Something that I have never seen before in his eyes shines in his eyes: fear.

It's only when he looks down at Hazel next to him that I even notice she is there.

Her lips are pulled into a tight line, but she sets her bag down and moves me out of the way as she starts saying words to Jason.

All I can do is watch as they try to save her.

I run a hand through my hair, tugging at the ends.

Lily. Lily in a purple dress stained in red. In blood. Brooklyn's blood.

Lily had knocked on our door. Artemis was with the other girls for a day out with all of their kids. Will and I answered.

And Lily... Lily looked up at us, covered in blood and said, "Brooklyn. She needs help."

I never thought a child speaking would scare me the way it did.

Will immediately told me to run. To find her and he would stay with Lily.

"The Gotham Museum," She whispered. That was it.

I didn't wait to hear anything else. I ran as fast as I could. I even used the Zeta-tubes because I couldn't risk not being fast enough for her.

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