«chapter thirty-three: date night?»

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I laugh as Will makes a face at the tv show. He looks to me, a small smile on his face before saying, "Alright, I guess we should go."

Lian pouts at this, "No!" She hugs my leg from her spot on the floor, "Cat stays!"

I laugh again, smiling as I pick her up and give her a hug before setting her on the couch next to Wally, "I will be back to play before you know it, kiddo."

She smiles at me shyly before Will kisses her head and grabs his coat, "Ready?" He asks, his eyes scanning me from head to toe.

Wally looks at me, his eyes holding a strange emotion before he shoots Will a warning look. I guess he caught Will checking me out. "Don't have to much fun," He jokes, but somehow doesn't really sound like one.

I roll my eyes, "Bye Wally," I say, ruffling his red hair on the way out, making him mutter something under his breath.

Despite him trying to be supportive, I can tell he doesn't understand the whole Will and me thing. I don't think he is exactly trying to be subtle about his disapproval, but everyone else seems to support it. They don't really know what we are doing though, so they can't understand. To be honest, I don't think we understand it either.

We both just know that we like being around each other.

And what's so wrong with both of us trying to get over our exes together?

He holds the door open for me and I slide into the passenger seat, making sure my black dress doesn't show too much. It hugs my figure, the neckline a 'v' neck to show a little bit of cleavage, and the length the right amount to make it seem classy.

When he gets in and gets buckled, he takes off, talking about his work with his family as if they weren't all clones of each other. Their dynamic is weird, but I sort of like how it is. It's basically like having brothers... when you don't think about how they all are literally carbon copies of each other.

I listen, smiling a little at how much he seems to care about his little business he started before I look away, watching the cars we pass.

"Sorry if I am boring you," He says after a small pause, noticing my far away look.

"No, you aren't," I turn to him, feeling a bit guilty for looking bored, before adding, "I actually like hearing about it... it makes me feel like our lives are just a little more normal than they are."

He smiles a little at this before laughing, "I hate to be the one to break this to you, but I don't think we are ever going to have normal lives. Hell, what we are doing now isn't even normal."

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